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22/1 - monday
cobham training facility

"SOMEONE LOOKS READY," Levi said sarcastically, approaching the treadmill that Chandler was sprinting on. The girl looked at him and shook her head, just as Levi leaned against the machine, reading her running statistics.

"Fucking hell, have you been sprinting for that long?" He asked, reading the data on the monitor. Just before she responded, her hand reached out to the screen, bringing down her speed tremendously until she was at a walking pace.

"Levi, go bother someone else." She shook her head, a teasing smirk on her face.

"How are you not out of breath?" He raised his eyebrow, noticing the girl breathing perfectly fine.

"It's called being fit; go try it." She rebutted, increasing her speed until she was jogging at a light pace.

"Oh, trust me, I'm very fit." He winked, their two definitions of fit meaning different things entirely.

"How long are you going to be here?" He asked, his eyes trained on her.

"Mhm, just another mile or so. Why?" She asked.

"Wanted to get lunch with you?" Levi spoke, making the girl smile.

"Yeah, give me 10 minutes. I'll meet you there." She responded, speeding up her pace significantly to finish. Levi nodded and gave her a smile, leaving her to herself.

It only took about 8 minutes until she was done with the mile, now walking at a slow pace as she scrolled on. her phone.

Five minutes later, she was hopping off the treadmill, wiping down the machine, and heading to the lunchroom.

"Hey Chan,"

"The girl looked up from her phone to see Conor walking in her direction, a greeting smile on his face.

"Hey Con."

"Hey, I'm heading to the gym for a light workout. Want to come?" He asked, pointing just behind her. He watched nervously as a guilty look flashed across her face, a sad smile developing.

"I told Levi, I'd have lunch with him," she answered, checking the time, knowing it had well passed the ten minutes she'd given him.



Conor couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, wondering why she was spending so much time with the defender. It was clear that the two were already friends, yet Conor couldn't help but think that there was something more to it. Did he fancy her as well?

"Do you want to join us?" She asked politely, staring at him expectedly.

"Nah, it's fine. Enjoy your lunch." He said, giving her a tight-lipped smile. He walked off to the gym by himself, feeling a bit angry and full of rejection. He walked away and Chandler looked back, feeling a bit guilty. 

She shook it off and walked into the Lunchroom, seeing Levi sitting a table by himself, most the of the canteen was empty, only a couple of medics sitting off on the side, eating lunch with each other.

She walked over and standing over him as he looked up from his phone. His smiled grew on his face at the sight of her. 

"Thought you stood me up for a second," He joked, leaning back in his chair; arms crossed over his chest. "I'm too pretty for that."

She rolled her eyes at the comment, the England player standing up from his seat, his height drastically different compared to hers. "Sorry about that," She apologized.

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