
192 4 1

4/3/2024 - monday
cobham training facility, uk

"WHAT ARE YOU SMILING FOR?" Levi asked with a playful grin, catching onto the girl's radiant smile as he settled into the seat beside her, eager to tuck into his breakfast. His gaze lingered on her, noticing her absentmindedly toying with the fruit on her plate, lost in thought.

Levi couldn't resist teasing her, nudging her lightly to pull her back to the present moment. "Hey there, lost in paradise?" he joked.

Startled, the girl blinked and refocused on him. "Sorry?" she said politely, meeting his gaze.

"I asked what you're smiling about," he reiterated, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Must be some seriously delightful fruit you've got there."

She chuckled sheepishly, her cheeks tinted with a blush as she continued to play with her food. Levi couldn't help but connect the dots. "I'm guessing yesterday's date has something to do with this euphoria?" he prodded, gesturing with his fork towards her, his curiosity piqued.

Her smile widened at the mention of her date, and she leaned in closer, eager to share. "It was amazing," she sighed blissfully. "We went bowling."

Levi's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his grin widening. "Bowling, huh?" he exclaimed, genuinely intrigued by the unexpected choice.

"Yeah, he's really sweet," she nodded, a dreamy expression crossing her features as she recalled the evening's events. She settled back in her chair, arms crossed comfortably as she recounted the details to Levi.

"Well, I'm thrilled for you," Levi said warmly, placing a reassuring hand on her knee. "Any plans for a second date?"

"Not sure yet, but hopefully before your England camp," she replied, mindful of their upcoming international commitments. Just as they were about to delve further into their conversation, Chandler spotted Conor entering the canteen.

Her heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with him, a smile spreading across her face as he approached their table.

"Morning," Conor greeted, taking a seat beside her, his presence causing her pulse to quicken.

"Good morning," she replied, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest.

Levi, observing the interaction between them, couldn't help but chuckle. "You two are positively nauseating," he teased, rising from his seat. With a wave, he bid them farewell, leaving them to enjoy each other's company in peace.

As Levi made his exit, Chandler couldn't help but laugh at his teasing remark, feeling a warm flush of affection towards both him and Conor. She turned her attention back to Conor, her smile widening as she soaked in his presence.

Conor leaned in slightly, his eyes sparkling with playful affection. "So, did I miss anything exciting?" he asked his tone light and teasing.

Chandler shook her head, her gaze fixed on him. "Just Levi being Levi," she replied with a grin.

Conor chuckled, reaching across the table to gently brush his fingers against hers. "Well, I'm glad to see you're in such good spirits," he said softly, his gaze filled with warmth.

Her heart fluttered at his touch, and she couldn't help but lean in closer, craving his closeness. "Thanks to you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.


chelseafc and cpstonesy

liked by cpstonesy and otherschelseafc another day at the office

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chelseafc another day at the office

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user up the chels!

user i hope we're ready for Newcastle.

user our number 17 💪🏻


user get in chandler!

user 🤩🤩

user please sell jackson! ☹️

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