
199 4 0

6/2/2024 - tuesday
london, uk

CHANDLER ran her brush on the top of her head, trying to flatten down her fly-aways. Once she was satisfied, she placed the brush down, now ready to place the final touches on her make-up.

Her Uber was ten minutes out, ready to carry her to Conor's birthday dinner. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous, knowing she was going to be surrounded by his family. Just as she picked up a pencil to start her eyeliner, her phone rang.

She smiled and slid to answer the call, her brother appearing on the screen.

"Hello, pebbles," John smiled, waving at his sister through the screen.

"Hiya John," she greeted absentmindedly, propping her phone up on the mirror with an eyebrow pen in hand. John observed his sister's playful interaction with the mirror, attempting to perfect her eyeliner.

"Where are you off to?" he inquired, curiosity piqued by her choice of attire.

Dressed in a snug black dress, her hair expertly pulled back into a low ponytail with not a strand out of place, Chandler exuded a sense of elegance.

"I'm heading to Con's dinner," she replied. A frustrated "fuck" escaped her lips as she noticed a flaw in her eyeliner, prompting her to reach for a used makeup wipe and correct the imperfection with a touch of annoyance.

"Con? Conor Gallagher?" John asked, his expression shifting to one of curiosity.

"Yeah, it's his birthday tonight," she explained.

"Interesting," he mused. "Is something going on there?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there something more to it?" John's curiosity deepened, and his defensive posture was evident.

"Nah, not really," she shrugged, reapplying her eyeliner with focus. "He's just a good mate."

"Just a mate?" John laughed with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

"John, is there something I don't know?" She quipped, arching an eyebrow. He raised his hands in defense, causing the camera to shake slightly.

"Nah, Nah," he backtracked. "You do look nice, though."

"Thank you," she smiled, grabbing her phone and moving to her bedroom. Inside her closet, she sought out a pair of shoes, hoping to find the perfect match for her dress.

"How's your hamster?" John inquired, and Chandler's face lit up at the unexpected question.

"He's fine. Wanna chat?" she proposed.

Before John could respond, she walked over to Ferdinand's enclosure, opened the lid, and placed her phone inside, propping it up against the glass.

Giggles escaped her lips as Ferdinand, her pet hamster, curiously sniffed the phone screen.

"Chandler, I'm not talking to Freddie."

"So rude," she scoffed, retrieving her phone from the cage. "He misses you."

"His brain is the size of a pea; I seriously doubt that," John scoffed, Chandler rolling her eyes in response.

"How are you getting there?" John asked, watching as his sister grabbed her bag, ready to head downstairs.

"Getting an Uber," she replied. "Feeling like having a drink tonight."

"Alright, just be careful," he cautioned.

"I will. I'll see you, John," she smiled, ready to end the conversation.

"Bye, pebbles. Love you."

"Love you too," she waved, watching him reciprocate before ending the call.

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