
190 5 0

20/01/2024 - saturday
london, uk

"DON'T MAKE IT SO OBVIOUS that you fancy her," Ben sighed, giving Conor a comforting pat on the back. "You're fucking staring into her soul, right now." He joked, causing the midfielder to shake his head, downing another shot. His gaze was fixed across the club where Chandler and Levi engaged in conversation.

The defender leaned in close to her and whispered something in her ear, his imposing figure practically towering over Chandler. Conor could only watch with a tinge of jealousy, observing her laughter in response to whatever Levi was saying.

"You heard what Jack said, Chilly," Conor mumbled, frustration evident in his voice. He grabbed the shot of tequila in front of him, throwing it back. He swallowed quickly, feeling the burn go down his throat. "She likes hot guys. Levi is hot," he added, glancing at his teammate.

"Forget all that, Con." Ben rolled his eyes, casually draping an arm over Conor's shoulders. "You and Levi are best friends. He'd be mental for even trying anything. He's aware of that."

"What are you two plotting?" Raheem joked, approaching the two. The forward followed the player's line of sight, seeing that they were looking over to Chandler and Levi's direction.

"Oh, we're talking about Chandler," Raheem snickered, taking a seat beside the both of them. Raz looked to see the two on the other side of the club.

He noticed as they turned towards the section, making their way across the room.

"Conor is missing her already." Raz laughed. "Don't worry, she's coming back now."


"YOU GO OUT A LOT?" Levi asked, taking a sip of his own drink. Chandler shrugged, looking ahead as she tried to catch the bartender's attention.

"Only a few times. There's some good spots in Australia," she answered.

"Hey, what can I get you?" The bartender asked, placing both of his hands flat on the desk.

"Can I get a vodka Red Bull and a sambuca shot?" She asked, pulling out her card. The bartender nodded and left, leaving to make the drinks.

She had a quick conversation with Levi as she waited for her drinks, laughing at the jokes that he would throw her way. Soon enough, the bartender came back with her drinks.

Before she could tap her card, Levi held his hand out, pulling his card out of his wallet. He tapped her card on the machine and placed it back in his pocket. Chandler was taking her drinks.

"Thank you." She smiled at him.

"Cheers," Levi spoke, dipping his cup towards hers. She smiled and held up her sambuca shot, clinking his glass before throwing the liquor back and swallowing it quickly.

"Should we head back to the table?" Chandler spoke, pointing in the direction of the group.

"Yeah," Levi agreed, resting the empty shot glass on the bartop. She followed him, letting him lead the way.

When she got back, she sat down between Ben and Conor.

"You alright?" She smiled, looking at Conor, seeing that he was a bit silent. The girl is blissfully unaware of their conversation before she arrives at the table.

"Yeah, I'm good." He nodded.

"You've been drinking without me?" She teased, looking at the empty shot glasses in front of him.

"You were with Levi," he mumbled, trying his best not to sound agitated.

"Oh," she said, realizing he was right. "Sorry, Con."

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