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5/4/2024 - friday
Cobham training center

"WHAT'S THIS talk about you not playing Saturday?" Levi asked, walking into the medical room as Chandler lay flat on the exam bed. She lifted her head to see the defender staring at her, concerned.

It was the next day after Manchester United, and Chandler could barely stomach the pain on her side when she woke up. The minute she arrived at the training ground, she limped to the medical office, seeking treatment.

Eventually, word got around the center, and Levi was the first to visit after hearing she'd be absent from their upcoming game against Sheffield.

Luckily, it would be the perfect opportunity to rest, so she'd be fit in time for the FA Cup coming up against City.

"My hip is fucked up," she sighed, motioning down to her lower body. The girl was wearing compression shorts that stopped at her mid-thigh, revealing the extent of her injuries.

Levi took in the bruises that littered her leg, covered in an assortment of yellows and dark purples. The biggest bruise overtook her hip. Levi noticed when the girl pulled the fabric of her shorts down a bit, letting him see the extent of her injury.

He winced as he noticed how bad it looked, seeing that the girl had a stoic expression on her face.

"Did Mason do this?" He asked, pointing to her injuries. He noticed the multiple tackles done by the United midfielder, which seemed to be directed at her.

"The last tackle took me clean out," she sighed, laying her head tiredly back down on the exam table.

"Well, what is it? A hip bruise?" He asked.

"They said it's most likely a hip pointer bruise," she explained, relaying the information she was told by the medical staff. "The worst-case scenario is 8 weeks, but right now it looks like 2-4," she said sadly.

It was clear that the team needed her. After Cole, she had been the top goal scorer, with Jackson following behind. She was a key player on the team.

Levi snagged a stool, scraping it across the floor as he settled in beside her. "What did Conor say?"

Channy barely glanced up from her phone, scrolling with a glazed expression. "Wouldn't know. I haven't talked to him since the game." A shrug, more of a shoulder twitch, followed.

Levi's jaw dropped. "Whoa, hold on. Why not?"

She tossed him a prickly look. "He hasn't bothered talking to me."

"But why can't you just reach out to him?"

Channy slammed her phone down, a frustrated huff escaping her lips. "Because I don't want to, Levi." Her arms crossed defensively, and her voice was laced with annoyance. "I'm not talking about it with you."

"Why not?" He said it, sounding offended.

"You're best friends. You'll just run and tell him everything anyway, like always."

Levi leaned back, stung. "Hey, that's not fair. You're my girl, too, Channy. You know I wouldn't do that."

The door to the gym opened, and players started filtering in, with Chandler watching through the glass windows, which separated her and Levi from the rest of the team. She watched Conor enter, the boy casting a curious glance around the room.

His eyes settled on her and Levi, and he quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact. Levi noticed Chandler look away as well, avoiding eye contact. He sucked his teeth, irritated at both of his friends.

"You two are acting stupid," he commented. "Just talk to each other."

"Yeah, whatever," she mumbled, brushing off the comment. Levi rolled his eyes and stood up from his spot, tapping the girl on the shoulder.

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