
234 6 0

15/4/2024 - monday
stamford bridge, london

IT HAD been a week since Chandler and Conor talked. Thankfully, Chandler's hip healed faster than expected, with the girl only missing the team's matchup against Sheffield United.

The team was playing Everton, and the first half just ended, with Chelsea leading by four goals.

The locker room was buzzing, and the boys were already celebrating the win. Chandler was warming up in the corner, making sure she was stretched out before heading out onto the pitch.

She was dressed in her kit, ready for the restart. She noticed Conor off to the side, putting on a new kit.

The girl frowned slightly, missing the blonde. A week had gone by, and the girl didn't even really care about the argument. She missed being with him, cuddling with him, and kissing him.

She prayed that he felt the same.

When it was time to leave, Chandler followed the group onto the pitch, the team ready to score more goals.

She was following behind Noni, who was conversing with Jackson.

"I swear, I'm getting one today," Noni said, with him and Jackson in friendly competition. The girl rolled her eyes at the cockiness, not caring who else scored.

Standing on the halfway line, the ref soon blew the whistle, indicating the start of the second half. Chandler ran towards the Everton players, who looked a bit defeated already.

She watched as the ball made its way from the defense to the midfield, moving between the Chelsea players with ease. The ball came to Conor, and the blonde picked his head up, seeing the girl moving towards the box.

He passed it to her, and Chandler took it to the corner of the 18-yard box. With no hesitation, she whipped the ball in.

The ball went soaring, and Pickford dove towards the bottom left corner, saving the ball with ease. The stadium groaned along with the girl at the missed opportunity. She shook her head and took a step back, ready to try again.

"It's okay, that was good," Cole encouraged, giving her a comforting smile. She nodded and stood back for the punt, ready to get the ball again.

Ten minutes later, another opportunity arose for Chandler. Cole weaved through defenders, Chandler flanking him like a shadow, ready to receive the pass at any moment.

As the pressure mounted, Cole unleashed a pinpoint pass. The ball found Chandler's foot, and she surged into the penalty box, eyes fixed on the goal. Just as she readied herself for a shot, a heavy tackle clipped her ankles.

An instant whistle for a penalty made the stadium erupt in cheers, with Chandler growing happy at the chance for the team to score another goal.

The Everton player offered her a hand, and she thanked him for helping her up. Seeing the game ball next to her, Chandler picked it up, walking it over to where Cole and Conor were situated.

"Here, Cole," she gave him a soft smile, holding up the ball in the air. Before Cole could grab it, Noni approached, and the forward quickly snatched the ball out of the girl's hand, taking it for himself. Chandler's smile faltered, replaced by a grimace as Noni thumped his chest self-assuredly.

"Taking this one," he declared, shoving the ball under his arm with a possessive smirk.

"Noni, come on," Chandler countered, rolling her eyes. She reached for the ball, but Noni easily held it out of reach.

Just then, Conor materialized beside them, his presence heavy with unspoken authority. Wordlessly, he reached out and plucked the ball from Noni's grasp. A silent challenge passed between them before Conor tossed the ball to Chandler, his focus shifting elsewhere.

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