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thursday - 18/01/2024
cobham training facility

"THANK YOU," Chandler nodded, watching as the chef served her a heaping pile of vegetables. She grabbed the plate and turned around, looking around the canteen. It was only the third day of her training, and she already felt a bit more comfortable around the facility.

She walked slowly towards the group in front of her, noticing Ben, Conor, Noni, and Broja all sitting together.

"Hey lads," The girl smiled and sat down in the seat with her lunch, "Can I sit?" She asked, noting the open seat between Conor and Ben.

"Hey Chandler," Conor nodded, standing up to pull out the chair for her. 

Before she could thank the midfielder, Noni stood up, the attacker sucking his teeth before leaving. Broja was quick to sigh, picking up his plate and following behind him, going to talk to him. Chandler quickly frowned, placing her tray down on the table.

Silence fell amongst the group, as Ben looked at the girl awkwardly, feeling guilty about his teammates' behavior.

"Uh-I'm not that hungry, I'm just going to head to the gym," She announced, quickly leaving her tray. Just before she left the table, Ben quickly kicked Conor underneath the table, getting his attention. Conor eyed him weirdly, and Ben motioned towards the hallway.

"What?" He whispered, confused by Ben's subliminal messaging.

"Go follow her," He groaned, ushering the midfielder out of his seat. The blonde nodded and stood up, walking out of the canteen.

He caught up with her, just as she reached the gym entrance.


The girl turned around, looking at Conor.

She attempted a smile, but Conor could see right through it.

"You don't have to leave," he suggested. "Please come eat with us," he stumbled over his words.

"I appreciate it, Conor, but I just want to be alone right now," she sighed, maintaining her resolve.

Conor's genuine concern was evident in his eyes as he searched for a way to offer support.

"How about we hit the gym together?" he proposed, a small smile playing on his lips. "You'll need a spot anyway."

Chandler hesitated for a moment, thinking about her options. She appreciated Conor's effort to be kind and understanding. After a brief pause, she met his gaze.

"Sure," she finally agreed, the hint of a grateful smile softening her expression. The prospect of hitting the gym together seemed like a good compromise.


"PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!" Conor clapped, Chandler huffing heavily as she extended her knees, coming back to her regular position.

She huffed and re-racked the bar, fatigue already coming over her. The pair had been squatting for the past thirty minutes, the girl's legs already feeling shot.

"You have one more set in you?" He asked, Chandler turned to look at him as he added more weight onto the bar.

"Con- you're trying to kill me," She laughed, wiping the sweat that was collecting on her lower back.

"We're only at 65 kg," He shrugged, ignoring the girl as he looked for an extra 5 kg plate. "Surely you can hit 70."

"Conor, I weigh 65."

"Last one, I promise," He smiled, ushering her to the bar. She rolled her eyes and walked to the bar, getting into position. She spaced her feet correctly and looked ahead, releasing a deep breath.

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