
210 4 0

7/2/2024 - wednesday
villa park, birmingham

"HOW WAS THE DINNER?" Levi asked, approaching his teammate. Conor looked up at Levi, sighing before pulling on his home jersey.

"Fine, until Aine showed up." Conor muttered. Levi couldn't help but laugh, recalling the quick conversation he had with the girl just last night.

"Yeah, Chan told me."

"She told you?" Conor asked in surprise, not knowing she had talked to Levi about the dinner.

The entire coach ride to Villa Park, the Conor and Chandler didn't speak, even though they sat next to each other. The girl had opted for a quick power nap, leaving Conor to talk to Noni instead.

The midfielder looked across the locker room, seeing the girl across from Cole. The two were both straddling the wooden bench, Chandler holding the boy's arm as she wrapped up his wrist.

Conor looked back at Levi who leaned against a vacant locker.

"She called me when she went to the restroom," Levi explained, his hands in his tracksuit pockets.

"Well, what did she say?" he asked, curious about their conversation. Levi made a face and shrugged, "She just felt awkward, nothing too serious, mate," Levi reassured. "You're still good."

"She hasn't talked to me all day," Conor pointed out.

"Maybe because she's focusing on the game?" Levi raised an eyebrow, offering a plausible explanation.

Conor nodded, still feeling a bit uneasy. "I just don't want things to be weird between us."

"What are you two whispering about?" Chandler inquired, suddenly appearing behind the two players. Levi smiled and shook his head, reaching to sling an arm over the girl's shoulder.

"Just talking about you scoring tonight," Levi quickly covered up, his tone playful.

Chandler rolled her eyes but couldn't help but appreciate Levi's enthusiasm. "I'll try, but only if Con scores first," she joked, pointing a knowing finger at the midfielder.

Conor joined in the banter, "Well, I'll make sure to set you up for the perfect opportunity then."

Just then, the coaching staff entered the locker room, urging the players to line up for the game. The players soon made their exit, Levi following behind with the rest of his teammates who were still suffering from injuries.

The girl made her way down the hallway, following the rest of her teammates.

Nearing the end of the hallway, she heard someone call her name. She turned around and saw Douglas Luiz, the Aston Villa player from last time.

"Chandler, hello." He greeted, a welcoming smile on his face.

"Hey, nice to see you again," She said politely, now walking beside him. The group reached the tunnel and the teams split, standing in respective lines.

"Just wanted to say good luck," He said, giving her a charming smile.

"Same to you," She responded cooling, her hands resting on her hips. The two parted ways and took their spots, waiting for the opening ceremony to begin.

When the time came, both squads emerged from the tunnel, heading towards the sideline.

After the customary pre-game photo, the team gathered for a huddle. Chandler stood next to Ben, placing a supportive arm around his back. The players formed a tight circle, heads facing inward.

"Let's give it our all, and be smart," Ben instructed, the team responding with nods of agreement. They broke from the huddle, heading towards the arch, with Villa set to start with the ball.

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