
183 6 0

3/11/2024 - monday
stamford bridge stadium

CHANDLER stood near the edge of the box as she watched Caicedo pass the ball to Enzo. She quickly called out to the Argentinan. He looked up and delivered a clean pass to the girl. Chandler swiftly passed the ball from the left to her right, just before swinging the ball straight into the corner of the net.

The crowd cheered as they celebrated Chelsea's second goal, establishing a lead over Newcastle. Chandler sprinted towards the corner flag, falling to her knees to deliver a clean knee slide.

She stood up and turned around, seeing Enzo jogging towards her with a smile. Chandler laughed as he pulled her into a hug, congratulating her on the goal. Other players made their way towards the girl, all celebrating the lead. She hugged everyone, with each player congratulating her on the goal.

Finally, her sight landed on Conor. He wrapped her in a quick hug, their hearts racing from the adrenaline pumping in their chests. The embrace felt a bit different, considering now they knew about each other's feelings for each other.

"Good job," he noted, smiling brightly in her direction.

"Thank you, Con." She nodded. The two players began walking to the starting position. The whistle blew, and the players took off again, feeling a bit more energetic than before.

The team continued to play, trying their best to stay on top.

By the end of the game, the game had ended 3-2, with Mudryk scoring the last goal in the 76th minute. As the game ended, Chandler made her way around the field, speaking to the Newcastle players as a sign of good sportsmanship.

As she approached the tunnel, she noticed Trippier waiting for her, a familiar and comforting smile spreading across his face. Her face brightened, and she grinned widely, wrapping the Newcastle captain in a warm hug. The embrace felt like a small piece of home—a connection she cherished. It was the first time she had seen him since her move from Australia, and his presence eased some of the homesickness she had been feeling.

"I haven't seen you in forever, Chan," he said with a chuckle. "Baby Stones is all grown up."

She playfully rolled her eyes as he ruffled her hair, her hands quickly batting his hand away in protest. His teasing was a welcome reminder of their shared history and the easy camaraderie they had always enjoyed.

"How's the calf?" she asked, her eyes shifting down to his foot with concern. She knew he had been ruled out of the game due to injury and wanted to check in on his recovery.

He offered a casual shrug, trying to downplay the severity of the injury. "Not too bad today."

She nodded, accepting his answer without pressing further. She trusted him to take care of himself and was relieved to hear he was managing.

"Do you mind if I ask you a favor?" Kieran asked, tilting his head slightly as he broached the subject.

"Yeah, what's up?" She replied, curious about his request.

"Do you mind swapping jerseys with Lewis?" he asked, his expression earnest.

"Miley? Why?" she questioned, her brow furrowing slightly in surprise. She had played against the young player and found him talented and promising, but she wondered why he would request a jersey swap.

"The youngster fancies you a bit, and he's too shy to come over here himself," Trippier explained, a touch of amusement in his voice. "I'm just trying to do him a favor."

"Okay, Tripps," she sighed dramatically, pretending as if it were a daunting task. In reality, she was flattered and happy to oblige.

"You're class; thank you," Trippier said, patting her affectionately on the back. "Miley will appreciate it."

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