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liked by benchilwell and others chelseafc On our way to Manchester ✈️ tagged: cpstonesy

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liked by benchilwell and others
chelseafc On our way to Manchester ✈️
tagged: cpstonesy

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user please don't lose this game 🫣

user UP THE CHELS! 🤩

user please start chandler

cpstonesy 🥳🥳🥳
liked by chelseafc!

user it's a stones sibling reunion 😇😇
| user we'll see who's the better footballer 😂

user 💙💙


16/2/2024 - friday
hilton head hotel, manchester

"LOOK AT THIS ONE," Levi giggled mischievously, poking Chandler in the face.

"Levi, quit," Cole complained, trying to pull his teammate back, his hand gripping the back of his tracksuit jumper.

Chandler's eyes fluttered open, and she pulled a face, locking eyes with Levi, who was shoveling a phone in her face.

"Levi, fuck off," she groaned, swatting his phone away. As she shifted, she felt the firmness of a chest against her back and an arm lazily wrapped around her side. Sitting up, she turned around, finding Conor still asleep, his head leaning against the window.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, irritation evident in her voice. Levi gave her a teasing smirk, squeezing himself into their two seats.

"Stop," Chandler groaned, lightly slapping his thigh. "You're going to wake him up," she mumbled, casting a wary glance at Conor, who remained undisturbed.

"I just thought I'd join you two looking cozy over here," Levi giggled, lowering his voice to a whisper. Chandler rolled her eyes and looked out the window, noting that the jet was still high in the clouds.

"Are we almost there?" she asked, stifling a yawn.

"Just 30 minutes left," the defender explained.

"Why are you waking me up now?" Chandler groaned, swatting him away. "Leave me alone, man."

"I want to know what's going on here," Levi persisted, gesturing between Chandler and the midfielder. Chandler couldn't help but smile, knowing that Levi was quick to catch onto the subtle dynamics.

"Don't lie now," Levi teased. "Tell me the gossip."

Chandler sighed, feeling more awake, unfortunately. "Levi, can I just go back to sleep?" she whispered, the rhythmic hum of the jet's engine lulling her senses.

"Just tell me," Levi urged eagerly.

"We've been talking," Chandler relented, feeling a twinge of awkwardness as she explained her and Conor's growing relationship.

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