
221 6 0

18/3/2024 - monday
london, uk

CHANDLER watched as Conor's expression shifted, his brow furrowing slightly as he considered her question. He paused his packing for a moment, his gaze distant as if he were remembering a moment from the past.

"Sure," he admitted after a moment, his voice low and thoughtful. "There's always a bit of nerves. It's not every day you get to play for your country. It's an honor, but there's pressure that comes with it, too. You want to do well—not just for yourself, but for everyone watching."

"Wow. Someone media trained you very well," she joked, tossing a rolled-up ball of socks and hitting him square in the chest. He shook his head and tossed it back, the piece of clothing bouncing off of her head before landing on the floor.

"Hey!" Chandler exclaimed with a laugh, rolling over to pick up the sock. "You know, I think you could work on your aim," she teased, shaking her head playfully.

Conor chuckled, his mood lightening. "That's all part of the training," he quipped, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I have to practice off the pitch, too, you know."

Chandler grinned, enjoying their playful banter. "So, how do you really handle the nerves?" she asked, her tone growing more serious. She was genuinely curious about how he stayed composed in such high-pressure situations.

"I think about really fit girls with brown hair and blue eyes," Conor replied, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Chandler raised an eyebrow at Conor's unexpected response, her cheeks warming slightly at his cheeky comment. "Oh, really?" she asked, trying to keep her tone playful, though she couldn't help but feel flattered. "Is that your secret to staying calm under pressure?"

Conor gave her a sly smile, clearly enjoying her reaction. "It helps," he said, his eyes locking with hers for a moment. "It gives me something pleasant to focus on instead of just the nerves."

"Are you coming to the games?" Conor asked, shifting the conversation. Chandler watched as he closed his suitcase, zipping it up.

"Of course, I have to support my brother," she said. Watching her brother John play was one of her favorite things.

Conor paused, giving her a knowing look that made Chandler burst into a fit of laughter.

Conor's expression softened as he watched Chandler's laughter. He appreciated her playful teasing and her support, even if she initially mentioned her brother. Her laughter was infectious, and he found himself chuckling along.

"Of course, you'd be there for your brother," Conor said, mirroring her tone. "But I guess it's a bonus for me that you'll be cheering, too."

"I'm done packing," Conor announced, stepping back from his suitcase. "What should we do now?"

Chandler's eyes lit up at the opportunity. "Why don't we cash in on our second date?" she suggested with a teasing smile. "We can do something fun and relaxing before you leave for the games."

Conor grinned at the idea, his excitement evident. "That sounds perfect. What do you have in mind?"


"THIS IS SUCH A BAD IDEA," Conor commented, watching Chandler as she glanced at the rows of ice cream flavors. She peered through the glass, trying to find the best flavor.

"I have camp literally tomorrow," Conor added, crossing his arms over his chest. The girl had suggested the pair get ice cream, deciding the outcome of their second date.

"One scoop of ice cream will not kill you," she laughed, looking back at him. The pair were almost next in line, just waiting on an elderly couple to order their ice cream.

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