
186 5 0

26/3/2024 - wednesday
marylebone, london

"Holy shit, is that Harry Styles?" Chandler gasped, quickly standing up to get a better look. Conor couldn't help, but laugh, seeing the girl's curious glance as she looked around the club.

The team had decided to go out for the evening to a club, to celebrate their tie against Belgium. Of course, they would have preferred a win, but they appreciated Jude's effort to score a last-minute equalizer.

Chandler tagged along, the girl dressed for the night, sporting a simple black dress. This time, she decided to stay sober, seeing that she had just started training a couple of days prior. She felt a hand snake to her waist, resting off of her side gently.

She smiled and turned to look at Conor, who was looking up at her. She sat down and snaked her arm around his shoulders, resting her arm comfortably.

"You don't understand. I have the fattest crush on him," She confessed, looking at Conor with all seriousness. She snapped her head to John, the City player sitting across from the girl.

"John, can you introduce us?" She asked, pouting her lip slightly. John only raised his shoulders, letting out a chuckle.

"I don't know him," he shrugged.

She shook her head, not taking that for an answer. She slid out of Conor's embrace and placed her elbows on the table. She placed her finger on the table, tapping it repeatedly to get her point across.

"But he knows you." She huffed, "So, let's go." Slipping out of the booth, she looped her arms with John, pulling the defender to his feet. Spinning around, she placed a quick kiss on Conor's cheek, the midfielder blushing as they left.

As they made their way through the pulsating crowd, Chandler couldn't shake the excitement coursing through her veins. Harry Styles was somewhere in this club, and she was determined to meet him. She glanced back at Conor, who followed along with an amused grin, clearly enjoying her enthusiasm.

Navigating through the sea of bodies, Chandler's heart raced as she spotted a familiar mop of curly hair across the room. She tugged John's arm, urging him to pick up the pace. John chuckled at her eagerness but complied, intrigued by her determination.

Finally reaching Harry's vicinity, Chandler took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. John tapped the singer on the shoulder, while Chandler's pulse pounded in her ears.

Harry turned to her, his eyes locking straight with John. He smiled as he greeted the footballer, the two exchanging pleasantries.

"H, this is my sister, Chandler. She's a footballer for Chelsea," John grinned, motioning to the younger footballer. She smiled and waved, trying to keep her cool despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Harry's green eyes sparkled with curiosity as he offered a warm smile.

"Oh, hello, Chandler," he greeted, his voice smooth and welcoming. "I was hoping to run into actually. Huge fan."

The girl felt a rush of adrenaline as she exchanged pleasantries with Harry. She couldn't believe she was actually talking to him. As their conversation flowed, she found herself laughing at his jokes and hanging onto his every word.

Meanwhile, Conor watched from a distance, a mixture of amusement and pride evident on his face. He couldn't help but admire Chandler's boldness, even if it meant temporarily losing her to her celebrity crush.

He didn't notice Trent approach him, just until the Liverpool player was sitting across from him. Conor turned his head, flashing Trent a tight-lipped grin.

"Hey Con," Trent greeted, placing his drink down on the table.

"Hey, man," Conor said, secretly eyeing up the footballer, and examining his outfit.

Trent nodded and rubbed his hands together. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he examined the empty spots in the booth.

"Where's Chan?"

Conor chuckled to himself and motioned over to the center of the room, where Chandler stood.

"Meeting Harry Styles."

Trent's eyes widened with realization as he followed Conor's gesture. He watched Chandler and Harry with a mix of surprise and amusement, his lips quirking into a grin.

"Oh, damn," He chuckled, looking back at Conor.

The table grew silent as Conor took a sip of his drink, Trent doing the same. Trent moved his head to the beat of the music, drumming his fingers along the table.

He looked back at Conor and cleared his throat, trying to clear the awkward tension between the both of them.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something," Trent said, leaning back in his seat.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Conor replied, leaning forward slightly, his curiosity piqued.

"I wanted to apologize for the Daily Mail article. Jude mentioned how you and Chandler are, well, together," Trent explained, his expression earnest.

Conor nodded understandingly, his features softening. "Yeah, we've been on a couple of dates."

"Well, I want to clarify that we're just mates," Trent continued, hoping to clear the air.

Conor nodded in agreement. "I appreciate you saying that."

"Of course. No hard feelings?" The scouser asked, extending his hand across the table.

"No, not at all, mate," Conor replied, reciprocating the gesture with a firm handshake, a sense of mutual understanding passing between them. Trent nodded and picked up his drink, leaving Conor on his own.

Just as the Liverpool player left, Chandler and John returned, the girl holding up a piece of paper.

"I got his number!" She gushed, showing it to Conor.

"Should I feel threatened?" Conor joked, flashing a playful smile as Chandler slid into the seat next to him, leaning into his embrace slightly.

"Only a little," she teased.



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cpstonesy late night talking

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user girl you and TRENT???

user the harry styles caption-😛
| user harry was spotted partying with the england team so that's probably why.

user up the chels!

johnstonesofficial 🕺🏼

user I wish I had her eyebrows

conorgallagher92 😂
cpstonesy liked this comment!

user hair goalsssss

user always serving

user please tell Conor to stay!

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