
186 4 0

28/2/2024 - wednesday
stamford bridge, london

THE NEON numbers flashed to grab her attention, signaling the girl was coming off the field. She sighed as she tiredly walked to the halfway line, seeing Conor and Ben waiting patiently.

Her heart fluttered with nervous anticipation as she neared Conor, recalling their playful wager from the day before.

If Conor scores, the two would go on a date. Crossing over the sideline, she quickly tapped in Conor, who gave her a pat on the back, charging onto the field with a burst of energy.

She looked to see how much time was remaining. And it was just under thirty minutes.

The girl took a seat on the bench, her eyes trained on Conor. With every touch he got on the ball, the girl held her breath, watching him get closer and closer to the goal.

With every missed chance, she released a breath, feeling disappointment. The game was still deadlocked in a tie, with both sides trying their best to secure a point.

Reaching into her coat pocket, she retrieved a pack of wine gums, seeking solace in their sweetness to quell the nerves swirling in her stomach. It was a ritual she found comfort in, with the sugary treat serving as a temporary distraction.

"Chan, what did we say about the wine gums?" Levi sighed, nudging the girl in the side. She simply ignored him, not listening to his scolding.

Her attention shifted to Cole as he began his warm-up routine, with Poch banking on the young player to inject fresh energy into the match.

As the minutes ticked by, tension hung thick in the air, each passing second amplifying the stakes of the game. Chandler's eyes remained glued to the field, her mind racing with a whirlwind of hopes and fears.

Conor's movements became more determined, and his every stride was infused with purpose. With each advance towards the opponent's goal, Chandler's pulse quickened, her anticipation mounting with every pass and every dribble.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Conor made a daring run, evading defenders with skillful footwork. Chandler's heart leaped into her throat as he lined up for a shot, her fingers tightly interlaced in silent prayer.

Time seemed to stand still as the ball left Conor's foot, soaring through the air towards the goal. Chandler held her breath, her eyes fixated on the trajectory of the ball, willing it to find the back of the net.

A collective gasp swept through the stadium as the ball narrowly missed its mark, grazing the top of the crossbar before sailing out of bounds. Chandler's shoulders slumped in disappointment, and her hopes dashed in an instant.

But she refused to lose faith. Clutching the packet of wine gums tighter, she silently urged Conor and his teammates on, willing them to seize the opportunity that still hung tantalizingly within reach.

As the game entered its final moments, Chandler's nerves were tinged with a flicker of desperation. With each passing second, the possibility of victory seemed to slip further away, leaving her with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

But then, in the 90th minute, in a sudden burst of determination, Conor made a daring move, seizing control of the ball from Enzo and driving towards the goal with unwavering resolve. The crowd held its breath as he launched a final, desperate attempt to secure the win.

Chandler's heart hammered in her chest as the ball soared towards the net. Her breath caught in her throat. And then, in a moment that seemed to unfold in slow motion, the stadium erupted into a deafening roar as the ball found its mark, nestling into the back of the net with pinpoint precision.

A triumphant smile spread across Chandler's face as she watched Conor's teammates swarm around him in celebration. She stood up quickly, cheering eagerly with the rest of her teammates on the bench.

Once the group settled down, she noticed Conor's eyes on her from across the field. She couldn't help but break into a smile, seeing the midfielder sending a wink her way.



liked by conorgallagher92 and others cpstonesy proud of these boys <3 to the quarters :)

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liked by conorgallagher92 and others
cpstonesy proud of these boys <3 to the quarters :)

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chelseafc our part time photographer 📸

axel_disasi 😛😛💙

user Conor's smile is so CUTE

user aww this is so cute

benchilwell proud of you!! <3

user channy giving us what admin can't

user ✅✅✅

user bro what is reece doing there??
| user half of these players don't even play

conorgallagher92 😁
liked by cpstonesy

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