
186 5 0

20/1/24 - saturday
london, uk

"LOOK AT MY FAVORITE NEICE!" Chandler gasped, extending her hands as the toddler ran into her arms.

John stepped through the front door with a baby carrier, a wide smile on his face as he watched his daughter and sister reunite.

"I've missed you, Aunty Pebbles," The five-year-old giggled, practically squeezing the Chelsea player to death. Chandler laughed, feeling the grip loosen.

She then looked in the baby carrier, noticing her nephew staring back at her with wide eyes.

"Oh my god," She gasped softly, going to unbuckle him from the carrier. "You're so precious."

She picked up the baby and cuddled him instantly. She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, happy to meet her nephew for the first time.

"Where's Liv?" Chandler asked, noticing John's girlfriend was not present. John only shrugged, pulling off his coat.

"Working back in Manchester," He confessed. "She says hi," He sighed.

"Ah damn, I wanted her to do my eyebrows," She joked, mentioning the beautician. John rolled his eyes and plucked his son from the girl's arms.

"Aunty Pebs," Lilly called, making the footballer turn around. The five-year-old came running up to her aunty, wrapping her arms around Chandler's waist.

"Can I play with Freddie?" She asked innocently, looking up at her aunt with pleading eyes.

"Sure, let me go grab him," Chandler said, pointing up to the stairs. The girl ran up the stairs and into her bedroom, walking to the large enclosure.

"Ferdinand," She sang, looking for the hamster. The furry creature poked his head out from his mini house, made up of a hollowed-out tree stump. The hamster squeaked softly, pressing his paws against the glass.

"You have a guest," Chandler spoke, opening the lid of the enclosure. She reached for the animal and held him close to his chest, securing him in her grip.

Soon again, she was downstairs, setting up a clear area for Ferdinand to safely roam in the living room, Lilly taking a spot on the floor.

John was bouncing Lucas on his knee, eyeing his sister weirdly.

"I can't believe you brought that rat from Australia," He joked, watching as his daughter played with Ferdinand, the girl holding him gently as she fed him pieces of strawberry.

Chandler was quick to suck her teeth, landing a solid punch on John's shoulder.

"Stop calling him that," She hissed, growing annoyed. "He doesn't even like you anyway."

"I don't care." John laughed, making the girl even more annoyed. She rolled her eyes and went on her phone, ignoring her brother. It only took a couple of minutes before he brought up another conversation topic.

"How was your first week?" He asked, noticing his sister return. The girl only shrugged, watching as Lilly ran to the couch, instantly grabbing the TV remote.

"Fine," She shrugged.

"Team's good?"

"Yeah," She nodded, placing her hands in her back pocket. She didn't really feel like mentioning Noni, and some of the other players that didn't like her. She knew it would only make John angry, and frankly, she couldn't deal with the drama.

"When do you think you're going to get some minutes in?" He asked, Chandler smiling in response.

"Hopefully, the semi-final against Middlesborough," She answered, the game coming up in a few days. John smiled and nodded his head, clearly impressed.

"I'll make sure to watch," He smiled, excited for the upcoming match.



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liked by benchilwell and others
cpstonesy family time 🤍
tagged: johnstonesofficial

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user are you playing against Middlesbrough?

user nails >>>

user best sibling duo in the prem 😮‍💨
user only* duo in the prem

johnstonesofficial 🫖 🥵
| cpstonesy 😭😭

olivianaylor55 miss you babe!
| cpstonesy <3

user her eyes are BEAUTIFUL

user please leave

user get out of our club 😡

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