
183 5 0

27/2/2024 - tuesday
cobham training center, uk

THE GIRL hummed as she sprayed off her boots, feeling at peace. She grabbed a sponge and started brushing along the side, trying to clean any dirt marks from the side.

It was another day of training, just two days after the Carabou Cup final. As much as she was disappointed to lose against Liverpool, the team had another cup to look forward to.

"You want to clean my boots after?" A voice spoke up, and the girl turned her head.

She smiled when she watched Reece approach her, a smile on his face. Chandler was quick to give him a quick hug, which he reciprocated.

The Chelsea captain had been absent from training, focusing on returning to health. Unfortunately, the two hadn't had a chance to play against each other, but they still had a good friendship.

"You alright?" She asked, taking in his appearance. He was dressed for the cold, ready to step out onto the field for some personal training. The defender nodded, pulling on his gloves.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?" He asked.

The girl gestured down to her cleats just before giving Reece a shrug.

"I'm alright. Just chilling, about to hit the pool."

Reece nodded just before taping her on the back. "Well, I don't want to hold you; Conor is waiting," he finished, giving her a knowing smirk. She only sighed, shaking her head at the defender.

"Bye, Reece."

"YOU'RE always taking photos," Conor commented, amused, as he watched the girl snap a quick picture of herself. Once she was satisfied with the shot, she gingerly placed her phone back on the towel, strategically positioned at the pool's edge.

"I love capturing everything. And it's even more fun when I post them," she replied with a grin, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

As the two lounged in the pool, enjoying the weightless sensation, they engaged in light banter, discussing the upcoming FA Cup game against Leeds.

Deciding to take advantage of the serene moment, they swam a few leisurely laps, the rhythmic strokes soothing their muscles and clearing their minds in preparation for the challenge ahead.

"You should make one," she suggested. She had fun posting snippets of her life online, knowing they only reached a handful of her friends.

"A private account?" Conor clarified, and Chandler nodded in return.

"Yeah, why not? I'll come up with a funny name," she teased, trying to encourage him. The midfielder shook his head and swam to the edge of the pool.

He placed his arms on the edge and pulled himself up, twisting his body until he sat on the edge, his feet dangling in the water.

"I'm not a fan of the idea," he shrugged, knowing he was more of a private person when it came to his personal life. Chan said nothing, just scooping handfuls of water onto her arms.

She looked up at Conor and took him in, just before an idea popped into her head.

"If I score against Leeds, you have to create a private account." She joked.

"And if I score?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"You come up with something," she instructed, swimming to the edge of the pool. She rested her arms on the edge, her feet kicking underneath her.

She looked up at him from the side and noticed he was looking off into the distance, clearly thinking about some dare to do in return.

A smirk grew on his face as he shifted his attention to her. Chandler tried her best to read his expression, thinking about what he could make her do.

"Please, not something that makes me look stupid," she warned, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"If I score, you have to go on a date with me."

Her eyes widened a bit in his forwardness, at a loss for words.

"Are you being serious?" She asked, not sure how to react. Conor's eyes bore into hers as he nodded.

She smiled at the thought of a date with Conor, giddiness inside of her. Realizing she hadn't said anything for about two minutes, she nodded, accepting his deal.

"Okay." She agreed. The midfielder stuck his hand out towards her, his hand a bit pruney from the water.

"Shake on it," He added, smiling at her.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, giving it a firm shake.


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