
192 5 0

25/02/2024 - sunday
wembley stadium, london

CHANDLER pushed opened the door to the locker room harshly, stalking over to her seat. She sat down and ripped off the second place medal around her neck, placing it dejectedly off to the side.

Staring at the floor, she replayed every single minute of the game. Reliving all of her missed opportunities. Goal after goal after goal.

The door swung open, revealing Conor who walked into the locker room. He looked to the left to see the girl sitting down, sensing the girl's disappointment.

"Are you okay?" He asked, standing across from her.
She could only help but scoff, feeling anger bubble up within her.

"No, we just fucking lost, Con." She quipped back, giving him a harsh glare. She let out a quick breath, shaking her head.

"I don't want to cry." She said, speaking as if she was convincing herself rather than the midfielder standing in front of her.

"Ughhh," She groaned, feeling her eyes prick with tears.

"I'm just so frustrated." she whispered, her voice muffled as she buried her face in her hands. Despite her efforts to compose herself, tears began to escape, tracing silent paths down her cheeks. The weight of disappointment hung heavy in the air as she struggled to regain her composure.

"We were so close," she murmured softly, her voice tinged with a hint of despair as she recalled the missed opportunity.

Conor moved swiftly to her side, his presence a reassuring anchor amid her turmoil. His hand found its way to her back, offering a silent gesture of comfort as he wordlessly conveyed his support.

She looked at him through tear-stained eyes, her gaze filled with a mixture of anguish and vulnerability. The sight of her distress tugged at Conor's heartstrings, a pang of empathy washing over him as he struggled to find the right words to ease her pain.

"It was all my fault, wasn't it," she whispered, her voice barely above a hoarse whisper, her self-blame evident in every syllable.

Conor remained silent, his heart breaking at her self-condemnation. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close in a tender embrace.

She instinctively leaned into him, seeking solace in his comforting embrace as she attempted to shield her raw emotions from the prying eyes of those around them.

"You can't blame yourself," Conor murmured, his voice a soothing murmur against her ear as he gently stroked her shoulder in a reassuring gesture. "That's stupid."

"I feel like I failed you guys," she sighed, her words heavy with regret as she struggled to make sense of her emotions. Conor pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, his lips brushing against her hairline.

"You didn't," he insisted softly, his voice filled with unwavering conviction as he sought to lift the weight of guilt from her shoulders.

Chandler sniffled, her tears beginning to ebb as Conor's words sank in. "But I could have done more," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her words heavy with regret.

Conor shook his head gently, his hand moving to cup her chin, lifting her gaze to meet his. "You did everything you could," he assured her, his eyes filled with sincerity as he sought to convey the depth of his belief in her abilities. "You're one of the strongest players I know, Chandler. Don't ever doubt that."

He took a second to wipe her tears, his thumb gently brushing away the remnants of her sorrow. As their eyes met, a shared understanding passed between them, an unspoken acknowledgment of the bond that had grown between them over time.

The door to the locker room pushed open, more of the players filtering through. Chandler slowly pulled away from the footballer, not wanting her teammates to see her upset.

Most of them mirrored her expressions, everyone a bit disappointment with the final result.

Levi walked in, and noticed his two friends sitting off to the side. The defender noticed the forward with red eyes, his heart breaking slightly.

He immediately walked over, hands outstretched. Chandler stood up and wrapped Levi in a hug, burying her head into his chest.

"Don't be upset, love," He comforted, rubbing up and down her back. "John's waiting outside for you."

She nodded and pulled apart, wanting to see her brother. Chandler walked out of the locker room, seeing the City player leaning against the wall.

"Hey pebbles," he smiled softly, pulling the girl into a hug. She sighed, growing relaxed underneath the comfort of her brother. 

"Hey," she sighed, trying her best to give him a greeting smile.

"These things happen you know," He started. "You can't let these weigh on ya."

She nodded, understanding what he was saying.

"I appreciate you coming down," She thanked him, knowing how long the drive was. John only shrugged it off, knowing he'd always support her. "You know, I'll always come."

"How's mum and dad doing?" She asked, their parents were sitting somewhere in the stands, along with John's children.

"They're alright. They want to see you."

"I think if I see mum, I'll cry again," she joked, looking down at the floor.

"Do you want me to stay over?" John offered, ready to comfort his sister.

"No, I'll be fine." She smiled, grateful for her brother's kindness. "I just want to forget this day." 


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