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liked by conorgallagher92 and others
cpstonesy good eats
tagged: benchilwell, reece

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user her hanging out with ben and reece 🥺

benchilwell #17 ‼️‼️
liked by cpstonesy

levicolwill where was my invite? 🥺
| cpstonesy up your bum 
| levicolwill careful now... you're on the main
| user oh my these two 😭

user outfit is GIVING

user tell gallagher to stay

user up the chels!

reece 💯
liked by cpstonesy

sasha_rebecca so cute 🤍
liked by cpstonesy

user anfield next 😈


tuesday - 30/1/2024
cobham training facility

"FUCKING HELL, it's too early for this." Chandler groaned, instantly dropping her overnight bag to the ground. She sighed and collapsed on the couch tiredly, pushing the shades from her eyes to the top of her head.

"It's just noon," Levi snickered, knowing the girl was being dramatic. The team was slowly filtering into the room, waiting just before they could board the coach bus to Liverpool.

"I didn't get any sleep last night," she sighed, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "I was hooked on this crazy documentary."

Levi sucked his teeth and shook his head, expressing his dissatisfaction. The two continued their conversation, with Carney and Noni coming to join them a bit later.

Soon enough, it was time to leave, and the girl grabbed her things, following the rest of the players out of the building. She waited as each player made their way onto the spacious bus. She walked towards the back and noticed the lack of open seats, making her grow nervous.

She turned around and noticed Raz behind her, his headphones already on.

"Where do I sit?" She mouthed, causing him to remove his headpiece.


"Where do I sit?" She repeated, knowing that teams had certain spots designated for players.

"Just pick any open seat, Chan." He suggested taking a seat beside Ben.

The girl nodded and continued to walk through, reaching Conor's aisle.

"Hey Con, do you mind if I sit?" She asked, getting the player's attention. The midfielder quickly sat up, clearing his throat.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." He smiled, surprised that she chose to sit beside him.

"Choose wisely; that's your seat for the rest of the season," Levi joked, tapping her on the back.

Conor rolled his eyes and removed his bag from the seat, allowing the girl to sit down. She placed her things under the seat and pulled out her headphones.

"You excited?" Conor asked, looking at her with eager excitement. She nodded slowly, just before shrugging.

"I guess I woke up feeling sick with anxiety," she said honestly, placing the listening device around her neck.

"It gets like that sometimes. You'll be fine." He reassured her. Just as she was about to place her headphones in, she noticed someone remove their bag, placing it in the seat across from her.

She smiled as Noni sat down across the aisle from her.

"Hey Chan, are you alright?" He asked, getting comfortable in his own seat.

"Yeah, I'm good, you?"

"Good," she smiled, briefly glancing at her teammate.

"Just don't let Con bother you too much; he's a bit jarring," Noni joked, causing the girl to laugh as Connor could only look offended.

"I'm not jarring." He shook his head, annoyed by his teammate's comment.

"All I'm saying is the seat over here is always available," Noni shrugged, patting the open seat next to him.

"Noted," she chuckled, placing her headphones on her head and trying to drown out both Conor and Noni.

The coach started up, pulling out of the training facility as they began the drive to Anfield. Chandler was quick to play some music, trying to drown out the noise.

Conor, Noni, and Chandler settled into their respective spaces, each immersed in their own world—Conor subtly stealing glances at Chandler, Noni determined to make her crack a smile, and Chandler finding solace in the melodies that drowned out the playful chaos around her.

About an hour into the journey, the gentle hum of the engine and the rhythmic vibrations seemed to have a soothing effect on Chandler. Gradually, her eyes began to flutter, and she leaned against the side of her seat, unconsciously inching closer to Conor.

Conor, acutely aware of Chandler's proximity, felt his heart race a bit faster. His attempt at maintaining composure became increasingly challenging as Chandler's head lightly rested on his shoulder.

He instantly tensed up, scared to move. Noni noticed the girl asleep, and a mischievous grin grew on his face. As Conor tried to keep his cook, his awkwardness was palpable. As Chandler's breathing steadied, Conor stole glances, unsure of how to react. Noni, sensing an opportunity for amusement, couldn't resist.

The forward reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. Conor's eyes widened, and he shook his head, looking at Noni.

"Nons- stop. Don't." He warned, shaking his head frantically.

Noni, ignoring Conor's protests, quickly snapped the photo, suppressing his laugh. Conor, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, shot Noni a glare.

Noni cleared his throat, and Chandler's eyes opened, the girl sitting up quickly. She made a face and looked around, seeing Conor and Noni look at her as if they'd just been caught.

"What?" She asked, looking back at Conor. The footballer shook his head, turning away for a moment. The girl looked at Noni, who was already grinning.

"You drool in your sleep."

"Oh, fuck off."


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