An Extended Sneak Peek!

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I look at Corey's pants, which are strewn across our bed and I go over and pick them up. I felt something in pocket of the pants, and went to pull it out. I end up pulling a small baggie filled with some sort of powdery substance.

I inspect the little baggie, and I'm confused as to what it was. My heart stops instantly, when I figure out what it was and I felt nauseous and I feel tears start to form.

I hear the door crack open, and see my River walk over to me, "Mommy?"

I quickly hide the baggie behind my back, "Yes, baby?"

"What's wrong Mommy?" River asks when he sees me.

I wipe the few tears that had fallen, "Nothing, baby," I try to assure him.

I quickly take the baggie from behind my back, and it in the night table beside our bed.

I pick up River, and cradle him on my hips, "What did you want baby?"

River takes his little pointer finger, and puts it to his chin while thinking about it, "Mommy can I have cake?"

"Sure, baby," I chuckle, and put him down, "Why don't you go play while I get it for you."

River smiles, and Runs out to the living room to play with his toys. He looks just like Corey. I can't look at River without seeing Corey. They have the same hair color, smile and eyes.

I try to compose myself before going out to the living. But, before I leave the phone rings and I answer it, "Hello?"

"Hello?" I hear a confused female voice on the other end.

"Is Corey there?"

"Uh, no, however, you can leave a message," I reply, "What's your name?"

"Nicole, and can you tell him I can't make it to the hotel tonight?"

My heart stops, and I felt like I couldn't breathe, "Hello?" I hear Nicole say from the other end.

"Yea," I say trying to compose myself, "I'll make sure he gets the message..."
Dear Readers,
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Sincerely, Ana XD

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