Chapter 20: Hi, Autumn!

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A couple of days later...

"Hey, Layla, can you watch the baby, and River while I get my bag from the room?" I asked Layla.

Layla nodded her head, and gestured me to go, "Sure, I'll watch them." She replied, "Do I get to be her godmother too?" Layla asked.

I chuckled, and nodded my head, "Who else would be?" I smiled, and she smiled back.

I turned around, and walked back to my hospital room. I went in, and looked for my bag. Suddenly I heard the door close, I turned around, and saw Corey standing there looking at me. I looked around, and I looked back at him confused, "What..."

Corey walked up to me, and his body was inches away from mine, "Can I talk to you...?"

I bit my lip nervously, and I nodded my head at him, "Yea." I answered.

"Summer, I know I fucked up pretty bad, and I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." He said, "But, I want you to know that I'll always love you, and I can't imagine life without you..."

I looked up at with hurt eyes, "I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight." I said painfully, "I need a little more time."

Corey looked back at me a little disappointed, and he nodded his head, "I'll wait..."

I nodded my head, and grabbed my bag, "Yea..." I replied, and walked out of the door.


I finally made it home with the baby, River and Corey came along too to be with Autumn. I put the sleeping Autumn in her little crib in my room, and turned off the light. I left the room, and saw Corey standing there looking at me, "You the couch." I said, "If you want..."

Corey looked up at me with his blue eyes, "What do you want?" He asked me.

I was sort of surprised by his question, and said, "The couch is probably good..." I replied.

Corey nodded his head, he walked in to the kitchen and I followed behind. I leaned against the kitchen counter, "So, how was the movie?"

Corey turned around, and there was an element of surprise upon hearing my question, "It was okay. It turned out to be a moderate success." He answered some what hesitantly.

I nodded my head, and went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. As I was going by Corey was passing by too, and we were inches from each other, "Sorry." He apologized, and made his way out in to the living room with River.

"Hi, Autumn!" River exclaimed as he gently caressed her head.

I smiled, and so did Corey who was sitting on my right, and River was on my left. I gently caressed her face, and it cause Autumn to looked at all of us in a curious manner, "How do you like your little sister, bud?" Corey asked as he looked over at River.

River gave him his lopsided smile, and clapped his hands in joy,. "I wuv her. She's so small, daddy." River answered.

Corey chuckled at River's comment, "Yes, Autumn's just a baby."

"Do you want to hold her?" I said hesitantly, and looked at Corey.

Corey nodded his head. When I handed over the baby to him, our hands touched and we both looked at each other.

He still gave me butterflies.

I was sitting right next Corey, and I watched him as he cradled Autumn. He laid back on the couch with her in his arms. Then Autumn started to spit up on her shirt, "Oh, she's drooling."

"Here give her to me. I think I have her bibs in the room." I said, and Corey handed her to me.

I carried her into the room, and I looked for her bibs. I didn't remember where they were, and then Autumn started to cry. I tried to rock her, but she didn't stop and then I tried to give her her pacifier, and that didn't work either.

I heard my room door open, and I saw Corey step in with concern on his face, "What's wrong?" He asked concerned

I started to get nervous, and continued to rock her, "I don't know what's wrong..." I said helpless, "I haven't had to take care of a baby in a while.." I said worriedly.

Corey walked up to me, and looked at a Autumn in my arms, "Maybe she's hungry?"

I looked at him, and I nodded my head at him, "Yea..." I said, and went over to sit on the bed. I took out one of my breast, and tried to giver it to her; but she wasn't having it. I've breastfed River a million time, and she wouldn't latch on.


I started to panic, and my eyes were filling with tears, "Um, Corey, she's not latching on." I said worriedly, "Can you help...?" I softly croaked out.

Corey sat on the other side of the bed next to me, and said, "Hey, it's okay, Summer. Try giving it to her gently, and be patient. You just have to wait for her to get use to it."

Finally, Corey helped me to get Autumn to latch on, and she was finally breastfeeding, "Thank you..." I whispered.

Corey gave me a small smile, "I'm here." He said simply, "There we go. See you just got to giver it to her slowly." Corey added referring to breastfeeding Autumn.

I nodded my head, and gave him a small smile. I gently rocked Autumn while she breastfed.


Dear Readers,

What do you guys think of Summer and Corey still not getting back together? I will tell you there's going to be a little surprise coming up. Well, not a surprise, but, a twist or something that will lead to something.

QOTD: Do you guys like the baby's name?

P.S. Sorry, I haven't been updating "Take Me To Church". I just go into writing this story, and it may be coming to an end within a week or so.

Sincerely, Ana XD

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