Chapter 2: I Get The Top

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     "So, how's Corey doing?" Layla asks curiously, while sipping on her lemonade, and picking at her BLT.

     "He's okay," I sigh, "He's just been trying to find a role, he's been auditioning a lot, and so far nothing..." I add.

     Layla tilts her head, and gives me apologetic eyes, "That sucks, however, I'm sure he'll find a part," Layla says confidently, "Besides, he's young, handsome and immensely talented. He'll find a part," she adds with assurance.

     "Yea, but, it's just so stressful seeing him stressed."

     "You guys shouldn't be so stressed. I mean you guys are only twenty-two."

     I hand grab a napkin, and clean chocolate off River's face, "Yea, twenty-two, with a kid and married," I state.

     Layla shrugs her shoulder, "You don't regret it, do you?" she asks me with a serious look, "I mean stuff happened, and now your married with a kid."

     I look at her shocked, "No, of course not, I love him. It's just hard when you don't have a job all the time, and roles don't come easily," I reply.

     Layla leans back, and chuckles, "Well, of course not, but, have you thought about getting a second job?"

     I stop sipping my water, and look at her, "No, who would watch River?"

     Layla leans her arms on the table, and says, "Isn't he in pre-school?"

     I lean back in my chair, "Yea, but, having two jobs would leave me know time to spend with River," I reply, "Besides, hopefully, I'll get that nursing job at the local hospital," I add with a smile.

     "You applied!" Layla shouts, causing people to look at us, and she cover her mouth, "You actually applied!?" she whisper-shouts.

     I nod my head, and giggle, "Yup, I go for an interview next Tuesday, and if I get it I can say good by to working as a receptionist at the spa."

     "Well, if you do get it, we have to go out and celebrate," she smiles.

     "I can't say no to that," I chuckle.

     "Mommy, I want more donut," River says.

     I look over at him, giggle, and clean more chocolate off of him, "Okay, let's go get one," I say to him, and pick him up.

     "Hey, can you grab me a honey-glazed?" Layla shouts, as I walk up to the counter, I turn and nod my head at her.


     I was on my knees, near the bathtub, and I was washing River up. He was giggling as he played with the bubbles, and was covering himself in them.

     "Can you sing to me?" River says, as he looks at me from the tub, and covered in bubbles.

     I look down at River, and say, "Sure, which song?"

     River shrugs his shoulders, and smiles. I sigh, and think of a song to sing. Then, it comes to me, and I start singing, "For on so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe, and warm." River starts to smile, and I continue to wash him up, "This bond between us can't be broken, I will be here, don't you cry. 'Cause you'll be in my heart..." I continue to sing, finish washing him up, pick him up, and cover him with a towel.

     "From this day on..." River sings, and gives me the lopsided smile like Corey.

     "Now and forever more..." I finish singing, I smile, and give River a peck on the cheek, "Come on, lets get you dressed, and into bed.


     I get River dressed, and tucked into his small twin bed, "Good night, River," I whisper, and give him a kiss.

     "Good night, Mommy," River says sleepily. I turn of his bedroom light, and quietly leave the room.

     I walk downstairs, and into the living-room. I lay down on the couch, and sigh heavily. I suddenly, hear the door open, and see Corey walk in. I get up, and walk over to him, "So, how did it go?" I ask hopefully.

     Corey shakes his head, and looks disappointed, "It didn't," he simple states. Corey throws his keys on to the coffee table in the living-room, and hangs his jacket the hook near the front-door.

     I stop him, "So, then, where have you been this whole time?" I ask worriedly.

     Corey shrugs his shoulders, "I went out with Feldman, and we got a couple of drinks."

     "Oh," I reply, "Hey, it's going to be okay. You'll find something. I mean you're young, handsome, and talented. Trust me you'll find something," I assure him. Corey raises his eyebrows at me, "Layla's words, but, I totally agree," I chuckle.

     "Sorry..." Corey says, as he sits down, and puts his head in his hands.

     I sit next to him, and I rub his arm, "For what?"

     "It's Mother's day, and I wasn't here. I was suppose to take you out," Corey explains.

     I lift his chin with my finger, and he looks in my eyes, "You're here now," I smile, "I have something better in mind, anyways," I add while batting my lashes.

     Corey looks at the stairs, "Is River asleep?"

     "Out cold," I chuckle, and Corey starts to kiss me hungrily. As, we kiss, we stand up, and start walking towards the stairs. Corey moves his lips down to my neck, and sucks on it. He pulls my shirt up, and throws it across the living room floor.

     "Let's take it upstairs," I say between kisses.

     "I could take you right here on the stairs," Corey replies lustfully, and I giggle at his comment.

     "I'm on top tonight," I say playfully.

     Corey continues to move his hands up, and down my body, "Of course it's Mother's day..."


Dear Readers,

     What do you guys think of the story so far? Tell ,e what you guys would like to see, comment, and vote!

QOTD: Favorite Corey Haim movie?

AOTD: The Lost Boys, but, I love Lucas too.

Sincerely, Ana XD


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