Chapter 10: What Blonde?

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"Mommy, can I have Cookie Cwisp?" River asked, and pointed his little finger towards the cereal.

I looked over at the Cookie Crisp, and grabbed a box of it, "You like Cookie Crisp don't you?" I chuckled.

River shook his little head, and said, "Mhm."

I kept walking through the cereal aisle looking for Fruit loops. I finally cam across a box of it, I went to reach for it, and manly tanned arm grabbed the box. I looked up to see Jason standing there, and he had a grin on his face, "Fruit loops. You're still the same," he chuckled.

I haven't seen Jason since I had River, and we use to go to high school together. Jason was tanned, had somewhat long curly hair, and pretty nice build. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, jeans and a leather jacket.

"What're you doing here?" I asked in disbelief.

Jason smiled at me, and said, "Well, I just finished tour of duty in Afghanistan, and here I am," he held his arms out, and I stepped into the hug.

Jason broke of the hug, and looked over at River, "And who's this big boy?" River looked up at Jason, and tilted his head in wonder, "You probably don't remember me. I'm your godfather," Jason explained to River.

River looked at me in confusion, and looked back at Jason, "You know how Layla's you godmother?" I asked River, and nodded his head, "Well, Jason, is your godfather," I explained. River looked back at Jason, and just stared at him with wonder.

"He'll get to know me." Jason chuckled.

I turned my head towards Jason, and looked at him in surprise, "You're staying?" I asked, and Jason nodded head.

"Yup. I decided I didn't want to be in the army anymore. I wanted to be able to settle down, and do something where my life isn't at risk all the time." he chuckled.

"Ah, I see." I smiled at him.

"So, how's my best friend?" he said referring to Corey, "And Layla of course," he added.

"Well, Corey landed a role in a film, and Layla is currently off dating someone she use to refer at a retarded do," I explained.

"Wow..." Jason chuckled, and smiled widely, "So, how are you, and Corey doing?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and said, "Good. I guess."

"What do you mean I guess?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I haven't seen him a lot," I replied, "He's been working a lot," I explained.

Jason pursed lips, and nodded his head, "Oh. I have to visit him on set, and surprise him," he said, "What time does he work till?"

"He works sometimes until one in the morning."

Jason raised his eyebrows, "Wow, they must be working him like a dog," he joked, and laughed at this, "Hey, I'll see you later. I need to get to work," he said, "Give me a ring, and we'll hang out," he smiled, gave me a hug and walked away.

"Bye." I said, and waved at him.


I put the groceries on the table, and set River down on the floor. I started to take thing out of the brown grocery bags, and setting them on the table, "River, be careful," I said to River, as looked to make sure he was okay and was sitting there playing with his puzzles.

"I will, mommy." River assured me, and started to giggle as he continued to play with his toys. I shook my head, and chuckled at his silliness.

As I was setting the groceries down, the phone rang , I walked over to the wall and picked it up, "Hello?" I answered the phone as I leaned against the wall.

"Hey, Summer." I heard Layla say from the other end.

"Hey, Layla." I replied while dragging out the hey.

"Hey, why didn't you have me babysit, River last night?"

I arched an eyebrow at her comment, and switched the phone to my right ear, "What're you talking about?" I asked baffled.

"Last night I was at a club, and I saw Corey with you," she replied, "By the way did you dye your hair blonde?"

I started to laugh at her ridiculous question, and observation, "What? No, I didn't dye my hair, and what're you talking about?" I asked.

"Corey, he was at a club..." she paused, "Wait. How could you not remember?"

"Layla. I was at home with River." I replied. Layla was silent on the other line, and I couldn't tell what just happened, "Are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"So, you weren't at the Viper room last night?" she asked cautiously.

I pursed my lips at that, "Nope, I was with River," I said as I shook my head, "Layla, what's going on?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know, but, you should talk to Corey..." she replied.

"Why? Who's this blonde?" I asked with concern, and confusion, "Layla!" I firmly said.

"All I saw was some blonde, and she looked pretty comfy with Corey," she stated, That's all I know. I didn't go up to them, because I thought it was you and Corey, and I didn't want to interrupt you time out," she added apologetically.

My heart stopped, and I felt my breathing hitch, "Maybe. Maybe, he was just hanging out with some of his co stars..." drifted off, however, I don't even think I was believing it. I took the phone away from my ear, I could hear Layla asking if I was alright and I hung up the phone.

Could he do something like this...?


Dear Readers,

I hoped you liked this chapter. Things are starting to heat up, and things are quickly falling apart. What do you think about Corey's actions, and what should Summer do? Di you guys notice my River reference?

QOTD: What's you favorite story of mine so far?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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