Chapter 6: Just Fine?

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     "Are you ready?" Layla asked, as we both sat in the car outside of the hospital, and with River in his car seat playing with his toys.

     "As ready as I'll ever be..." I sighed, and looked towards the hospital," Are you sure you don't mind watching River?"

     Layla sighed, and gave me a look, "Of course not. I'm his godmother, and it's bonding time for me and him,"  she chuckled, and squeezed my shoulder, "You'll do great," she added.

     "Right," I said and leaned towards the backseat to give River a kiss. I opened the car door, and shut it behind me. I took a deep breath, and headed towards the hospital doors.

     "Good luck!" I heard Layla call, and I turned around to giver her a quick smile.


     Half and hour later...

     I left the hospital, I entered Layla's car,  and shit the door after I got in. The car was silent, and I could feel Layla's eyes on me, "Well..?" she asked waiting for me to answer. I turned to look at her, and a smile slowly appeared on my face, "You got it!?" Layla exclaimed.

     "Yup." I smiled, and she enveloped me in a hug.

     "Congratulations!" she smiled, "I knew you could do it, and you were nervous." she added.

     I turned around to check on River, and saw that he was peacefully asleep. It's so weird how River looks just like Corey when he sleeps, and how peaceful River is all the time, "So, was he good?" I asked curiously.

     Layla nodded her head, "Yea, the little peanut fell asleep to the radio."

     "Thank you." I smiled at Layla.

     "Anytime..." she responded, "So, are we going to celebrate, or what?"

     "Sure, why not?" I chuckled.

     "Is Corey expecting you home?"

     I shook my head, "No, it's his first day of filming, and he'll probably be home late," I responded.

     "Okey dokey then. My treat." She smiled, and drove off.


     I awoke to the feeling of someone pressing their lips to my forehead, and I opened my eyes to see Corey knelt beside the couch, "Go to sleep..." I heard him whisper.

     I sat up, and covered myself with the blanket, "Wait," I said as I grabbed his hand, "How was your first day?" I said groggily.

     "It was fine." Corey shrugged, and gave me a small smile.

     "Just fine?" I questioned, and arched an eyebrow, "Doesn't sound very fun."

     Corey chuckled, and gave me a lopsided smile, "Without you it's not."

     "Ah..." I smiled, I stood up and covered myself more with the blankets. Me and Corey were face to face, and I walked by him slowly towards our room. I stopped in our bedroom doorway, "I've been waiting for you for a while..." I added.

     Corey stalked towards me, and stopped in the doorway face tot face with me, "Is that so..." he smirked at me. I nodded my head, and smiled through my lashes. Corey lifted my chin, to level my face with his, and he leaned into me and gently kissed me, "Did you get the job...?" he asked curiously.

     I broke off the kiss, and looked him in the eyes, "How bad do you want to know?" I arched an eyebrow at him, and gave him a little smirk.

     Corey bit his lip, and let out a low groan. I pulled his white t-shirt over his head, I threw it into the bedroom and ran my hands down his bare chest. Corey grabbed the blanket that was wrapped around me, he slowly moved it down to my waist, and chucked it across the floor, "Are you going to tell me yet?"

     Corey nuzzled his head in between my neck, and started to gently suck on it. I ran my hands across his bare back, and ran my finger through his hair. I leaned my head back, and whispered, "Yes..."

     Corey leaned back, and gave me a wide smile. He picked me, I wrapped my legs around his waist, and carried me to the bed, "Corey!" In giggled, and bit my lip.


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, if this chapter isn't that good, but, I tried. I promise they will get more interesting! comment and vote!

QOTD: Do you think Summer and Corey's relationship is as storing as it was in the first book?

Sincerely, Ana XD


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