Chapter1: Wake up, Mommy!

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     "Wake up, Mommy, wake up!" I hear someone shout in my hear. My eyes flutter open to my four-year old son's face inches from mine, and he's repeatedly tapping my arm, "Come on!" he shouts.

     I sit up on my bed, rub the sleep from my eyes, and move my legs to the side of the bed, "What is baby?" I ask curiously.

     "It's a surprise, Mommy!"

     I smile at him, and pick him up, "Awe, you're so sweet," I chuckle, "So, where's this surprise?"

     River points towards the door, and says, "It's in the kitchen, Mommy." he giggles happily. I make my way out of my bedroom door, I walk down the stairs, and straight in to the kitchen. When, I enter, I see a whole array of food: eggs, bacon, toast, bagels, and even French toast.

     My eyes light up at the sight, and I let a squirming River down, "Wow..." I said in disbelief.

     "Happy Mother's day!" I look up to see River, and Corey saying it in unison. Corey was wearing an apron, and had flour on his face.

     "Thank you, guys!" I say shocked. River runs over to me, and I bend down to give him a kiss and hug, "Awe, I love you, River."

     "You're welcome, Mommy," River says with a giggle.

     I stand up, and walk over to Corey, "Thanks, baby," I say, and Corey pulls me into a kiss.

     "No, problem," Corey says, he moves his hands up and down my sides, and slowly makes his way to my but.

     I giggles, and move his hands away, "Save that for later. Momma's got eat," I smile.

     Corey gives me his cute lopsided smile, "How can I resist you when your dressed in that?" he says referring to my sheer nightgown.

     I raise and eyebrow, and shrug, "Come on, Mommy. Sit and eat!" River says excitedly. I walk over to the kitchen table, and start filling my plate with food. River, and Corey joined me too, Corey started to fix him, and River a plate. 

     "Geez, you guys made enough for a small army," I said with my eyes wide.

     "We are the army, baby," Corey say with a smirk.

     I was looking for the hot-sauce to put on my eggs, and without even asking Corey grabbed it and gave it to me, "Thanks, Corey," I smile.

     "No, problem, Hun."

     River was in his high-chair playing with his food, and giggling. I couldn't help but to smile at this, and marvel at how much he has grown the past four years.  He looks just like Corey, down to the eyes, smile and hair. It's like Corey had a baby by himself, and I had no help with it. It's actually an inside joke that we have.

     "How is it?" Corey asks me, and I break out of my thought.

     "It's great," I smile.

     "Good, River was insisting that we do this, and I couldn't say no."

     "Thanks, this was really sweet of you guys," I reply, "So, is your audition today?"

     Corey nods his head, and say, "Yup, wish me luck. I have to leave right after breakfast."

     "What time will you be back?" I ask worriedly.

     "Don't worry, I'll be back in time to take you out, and then whatever else you want to do," Corey smiles.


     Corey looks at his watch, and gets up, "It's later than I thought, actually. Sorry, baby, I've got to go, or, they won't see me," he says in a hurry, and gives River a kiss on his head, "Love you, buddy." he says to River.

     "Love you, daddy," River says innocently.

     Corey comes over to me, and pants a kiss on my lips, "Love you, Summer."

     "Love you, Corey. Good luck," I smile.

     "Happy Mother's day," Corey smiles, grabs his stuff, and walks out the door.

     I turn to River, "Well, I guess it's just you and me."

     "Mommy, can I have cake?" River asks sweetly.

     I raise an eyebrow at him, "Now, River, you know it's to early and you need to finish your breakfast," I reply.

     "Mommy..." River says, and gives me a puppy dog face.

     "If you're still hungry when you're done, then I'll give you a slice," I smile, and River's face lights up.


Dear Readers,

     Hey, guys, I thought I'd give you guys a special treat, and post the first chapter to "See You Again: Raising River" I hop you guys like it, comment and tell me how you guys like it, and don't forget to vote to.

QOTD: What was your favorite moment from the first "See You Again"?

Sincerely, Ana XD


See You Again: Raising River #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now