Chapter 22: The Makeshift Fort

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     I walked in to my house, after coming back from grocery shopping, I opened the door and headed to the kitchen. I set the grocery bag onto the counter, then I heard someone in the living room, and I decided to go and investigate it.

     I walked in the living room to see Layla, she was moving the couch around, and putting sheets over them, "Uh, what are you doing?" I asked confused.

     Layla looked up after she threw the sheet over everything, "What does it looking like I'm doing?"

     I put my hands on my hips, and looked at her like she had three heads, "It looks like you're messing up my living room." I stated.

     "Nay, my friend." Layla smiled, "I'm setting up a fort." She added, and gestured to it.

     I looked over at the fort, I eyed her effort and chuckled, "That's not how you should do it." I replied, "Besides why are you setting up a fort in my house, and not yours?"

     Layla smiled and walked over to me, "This isn't for me."


     I looked around the house, to notice that Corey and River weren't there, "Where are Corey, and the kids?" I asked somewhat frantically.

     Layla gestured for me to calm down, "I sent them out for ice cream." She replied.

     "You're not catching on are you?" She asked confused.

     I shook my head at her, and cocked an eyebrow, "No, not really." I replied, "Does Corey know about this?"

     Layla shook her head, and smiled at me, "That's the beauty of it. He's doesn't know..." She said.

     "Okay, you're freaking me out." I chuckled, "I don't..." I drifted off.

     Layla nodded her head, and I looked at her, "You get it now?"

     Me and Corey use to make forts all the time when we were little, and once when he came back from Canada. I remember that day perfectly. He made the fort to cheer me up after my mother had died, I remember falling in love with him even more, and how bad I had broken his heart after I rejected him.

     "Layla, I don't think this is a good i-"

     I was cut off by Corey entering the house with the kids, and carrying a bag full of ice cream, "Daddy, look a fort!" River exclaimed.

     Corey locked the door, he turned around with Autumn in his arms, and his face immediately drained of color when he saw the fort. He looked up at me, and we made eye contact.

     "Well, it's too late. He's here, and River seems to like it." Layla stated.

     Layla walked over to River to give him a kiss, and then went over to Autumn and planted a kiss on her forehead, "Bye, lovelies." Layla waved goodbye, "Oh, and I think the rule was that you guys need to be in your pajamas first, right Corey?" She turned around and asked Corey, "That's what you told me before. So, you guys better get your pajamas. "She added, and left out the door.

     Corey was still in shock, he walked over to the kitchen and placed the ice cream on the table. He came back into the living room, with Autumn still in his arms and he looked at me in confusion, "Did she just set us up again?" Corey asked hesitantly.

     I looked at Corey, and nodded my head, "Yea..." I replied quietly.

     "Do you want to take it down...?" Corey asked with understanding.

     "No, daddy, I want to pway in it." River stated, "Please!" River begged.

     "Sure, but, first we need to get in our pajamas." I said to River.

     River ran into his room to put on his pj's, and Corey looked over at me speechless, "It's tradition." I said as I swallowed a knot that was in my throat.

     We all changed into our pj's, we laid a big comfy blanket on the bottom of the fort and some pillows, "Yay!" River exclaimed, he ran into the fort and lied down inside.

     Me and Corey looked at each other, and we smiled at each other, "Ice cream?" Corey asks.

     I gave him a small smiled and I nodded at him, "Yea..."

     Corey went over to the kitchen, he grabbed a carton of chocolate ice cream, and sprinkles. He also grabbed three spoons, and headed back to the fort.

     I leaned against the couch inside the fort, I had my legs up, and Autumn laying on them. I was playing with her, and making her laugh.

     I miss this. I haven't felt this remotely happy in along time.

     River started to fall asleep after the tenth bite of ice cream, he was fast asleep and had covers over his little body.

     I went to take the last bit of ice cream, when Corey's spoon hit the carton at the same time, and we both looked up at each other. We started to battle with our spoons for the last bite of ice cream.

     "Come on." I laughed.

     "Fine, here."

     Corey scooped the ice cream, and fed it to me. We looked at each other in the eyes, and it felt like old times, "Thanks..." I said quietly.

     "Summer?" Corey whispered.

     I turned towards him, and changed the subject, "How about a movie?" I asked.

     Corey sighed, and asked, "Sure, what movie?"

     I crawled out of the fort, and came back with "Scarface". His eyes lit up for a second, and he gave me a small smile, "I haven't watched it since..." He drifted off, and didn't finish his sentence, however, I knew he was going to say since we were in high school.

     The fort was facing the T.V., so we laid in the front and watched the movie. Corey handed me a pillow, he covers us with a blanket and I laid a sleeping Autumn down on the blanket.

     I always end up falling asleep during "Scarface". The last thing I remembered was someone gently caressing my cheek, and whispering, "Goodnight..."


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, to keep you guys waiting, but, here it is! I hope you guys like it. Comment and vote!

QOTN: Do you guys remember why the fort is significant?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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