Epilogue: Part 1

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     Two years later...

     "You look so pretty." I said to Layla as she stood looking in a mirror. Her full-length mermaid styled dress fit to her curvy bodice, and her veil trailed behind her.

     Layla turned around and smiled at me, "Thanks, Summer. I couldn't have down this without you." She said gratefully, "I'm so glad you're my maid of honor."

     I smiled and I tried not to move too much because the stylist was curling my hair, "You're welcome." I smiled at her.

     "She's ready." Judy said. She came into the little church room holding Autumn in her arms.

     Autumn was dressed in a light purple dress, and her blonde hair was curled with a lily tucked behind her hair.

     "Autumn, you look so pretty!" I exclaimed.

     Autumn smiled, and hid her face in Judy's shoulder, "Wow, Layla you look so pretty." Judy complimented Layla. Judy turned to me and smiled, "You too. Wait till Corey sees you..." She said in awe.

     I blushed at her and said, "Thanks."

     "Okay, River's ready." My grandmother announced as she walked in wearing a blue pencil dress, and holding River's hand.

     River was wearing a black tux, and his dirty blonde hair was combed to the side. It's so crazy how fast he's growing up. River's seven and Autumn's two now. River looks just like Corey, and Autumn looks like me but she does have Corey's smile.

     "Awe, River, you looked so handsome!" I exclaimed, and motioned for him to come to me.

     He walked over to me, and looked me over, "Mommy, you look so pretty..." He smiled.

     I smiled back at him, and pinched his cheeks, "Thanks, baby." I said, "Do you have the ring and pillow?" I asked River.

     River nodded his head, and held out in front of him, "Yup." He confirmed.

     "Great. Don't lose it." I stated.

     "I won't, mommy."

    "Come over here, handsome." Layla called to River, and had her hands outstretched for a hug.

     "Done." The stylist said.

     I got up from the chair, and I thanked her. I walked up to the mirror, my hair brown hair was styled into waterfall curls and my make-up looked natural. I smiled at myself satisfied and turned around towards everyone, "So, what do you guys think?"

     Everyone smiled at me, and nodded, "Beautiful." People said in scattered unison.

     Layla looked up at me and she put her hand on her hips, "Are you trying to upstage me?" She joked.

     I put my hands up in surrender, and pointed the stylist, "She did it." I chuckled.

     The stylist put her hands up and mock surrender, "I just get paid to make people look pretty." She defended her self, "By the way. You're welcome." She said jokingly.

     "Okay, time to get in your dress now." Layla said to me, and gestured to the bathroom for me to get ready.

     "Right." I agreed.

     I grabbed my dress and headed to the bathroom. I changed in to the dark purple a-line dress, with a triangle cut-out in the back, with a bow in the back and it was sleeveless.

     Once I was done I walked out and did a little twirl for Layla, "What do you think?" I asked.

     "I love it!" She clapped, "Okay, Summer, I need my veil." She said hurriedly.

     I grabbed her lacey veil, I face her and tucked it into her up-do, "You know I still can't believe you're marrying, Feldman." I chuckled.

     Layla smiled, and blushed, "I know..." She trailed off, "But, he makes me happy" She smiled to herself.

     Layla looked at me, and gave me a small smile, "What...?" I asked curiously.

     "How was it marrying, Corey?" Layla asked.

     I thought about everything we've be through, and how we always seem ed to make it back to each other, "I married my best friend..." I simply said.

     Layla smiled widely at me, and I finished fixing her veil, "Done."

     "Hold on." Layla said. She grabbed a flower crown that consisted of white lilies, and she placed it on my head, "Finished." She smiled.

     "Hey, guys, it's time to go." Layla's mom said, "You guys looked gorgeous."

     I face Layla and smiled, "It's time..." I said, "Are you ready?"

     "To marry Feldman?" She asked.

     I nodded my head and chuckled, "Of course. Unless you're going to marry Bruce Springsteen or something." I joked.

     Layla sighed and looked at me with a smile, "I never thought I would says this, but, I am..."

     "Let's go then." I smiled and picked up Autumn and grabbed River's hand.

     "Wait." Layla stopped me.

     I turned around to face her and I furrowed my brows, "What?"

     "When are you going to tell, Corey?" She asked.

     "When are you going to tell, Feldman?" I countered.

     Layla smiled at me, and chuckled, "We'll announce it after the wedding." She replied.

     I nodded my head in agreement and I made my way to the foyer of the church.


Dear Readers,

     I promised you guys an epilogue and here is the first part! I hope you like it so far. Reminder: This will be the last of the "See You Again" series. I hope you enjoyed the sequel and the first book.

     P.S. I forgot to play in the whole Jason character. I totally forgot about him. I was going to work him in somehow, however, I totally forgot. If you guys want I can add in that chapter or I can just make an Author's Note explaining what would've happened. Let me know!!!!!

QOTD: What do you think Layla and Summer have to tell Corey and Feldman?

Sincerely, Ana XD

See You Again: Raising River #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now