Chapter 14: Bad Chicken?

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"Bye." Corey said, as he leaned down to kiss me, and he kissed River's head.

I looked away from him, and then back to him, "Bye." I replied plainly.

"I love you." He said with assurance, he ruffled River's hair and left out the door.

I took a deep breath, and I felt my heart ache. Every time he left out that door, I felt my heart break a little each time. I heard a soft whimpering, and looked down to River who was standing behind me. He was wiping his eyes, and there were tears running down his little face.

I turned around, and knelt down to River, "What's wrong, baby?" I asked him, and pulled him into a hug.

"I don't want daddy to go to work." He sobbed into my chest, "I want, daddy..."

I pulled back to look at River's face, and I felt like I was going to cry, "He'll back later." I tried to comfort him, however, I was believing it myself.

River used the back of his hand to wipe at his tears, and looked up at me with red rimmed eyes, "Is daddy made at me?" he said in innocence, and was trying to breathe through the tears.

I gave him a sympathetic look, and wiped at his tears with my thumb, "No, no, baby. Of course not..." I whispered, and hugged him closely to my chest.

"Hey, do you want Layla to come over?" I asked River, in hopes that it would cheer him up, and he nodded his head yes.


"Awe, poor River..." Layla said sympathetically. She looked over at River, and caressed his cheek with her thumb.

River looked at Layla, looked back down at his chicken and picked at it. I ran my finger through his hair, "I feel bad." I said to Layla0

"I still can't believe what happened at the Viper room." Layla said in disbelief.

I nodded in agreement, "You're telling me..."

I picked up my up my chicken, and took a bite out of it, "Ew!" I exclaimed and spit out the chicken.

Layla looked up at me, with a mouth full of food and surprise, "What?"

"I'm feeling nauseous, and I don't think this chicken was cooked all the way..." I answered.

"Van. Crown never gave us bad chicken before," she replied, "Why now?"

I shrugged, and pointed to the chicken, "You try it then if you don't believe."

Layla leaned over, and took a bite out of my chicken, "What're you talking about it taste fine," she stated with confusion, "Are you okay?"

Then I felt the sudden uprising of vomit, and raced to the bathroom. I kneeled down in front of the toilet, I braced my hands on either side and let it all out. Layla raced into the bathroom, and held my hair for me, "Jesus Christ..." Layla said In shock, "Do you think it's food poisoning?" she asked concerned.

I stopped vomiting, I scooted over to the wall and leaned my head against it, "I don't know..." I answered honestly.

Layla flushed the toilet, and sat next to me, "Geez. With the way you were vomiting you'd think you were pregnant," Layla laughed.

I took a deep breath, and looked over at Layla. I started to count on my hands, I stopped counting and put my face in my hands, "What's wrong?" Layla asked concerned.

I looked up at her with shock, and I tried keep myself breathing, "Fuck..." Is all I could say, and Layla immediately understood.


"How long did it say it was going to take?" Layla asked me as I was coming out of the bathroom.

I took a deep breath, and looked at her, "About five minutes..."

"Are you nervous...?" Layla asked hesitantly.

I sighed, and contemplated it, "Of course I am."

I walked over to River, I sat down next to him and played with him, "What am I going to do, River...?"

"Do what, mommy?" River asked in his little voice, and looked at me with confusion.

I pursed my lips, and admired River's innocence, "I don't know, baby..."

I heard the opening of the fridge, I looked over at her and saw her grabbing the ice cream out the fridge and two spoons, "Fudge brownie, right?" Layla asked, as she turned around and looked at me for an answer.

"What for?"

"You know..." She said as she pointed her head to the bathroom; where the test were, "Just in case."

I nodded my head in understanding, "Oh, yea. Then definitely fudge brownie." I agreed.
Five minutes later...

"It's time..." Layla announced.

I got up, I headed to the bathroom, but I couldn't move any closer, "I don't know if I can..."

Layla went pass me, and headed into the bathroom, "It's fine I'll do it." She chuckled.

I heard Layla fiddling with the sticks, I waited for her answer and nothing came, " So..." I said, " What does it say?" I asked anxiously.

"Uh. You should probably see for yourself." She answered.

I walked in the bathroom, and I felt my heart quicken. I looked down at the test and it read:
Dear Readers,

Sorry. I have to cut you off there! What do you think it said? Comment and vote!

P.S. What should I update next?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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