Chapter 21: Is It Over?

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     "I still can't believe how much she looks like you." Layla said as she looked up at me. She cradled Autumn in her arms, and softly cooed at the baby, "I thought she was going to come out looking like you." Layla said to Corey.

     Corey shifted in on the couch, and leaned into look at Autumn, "Nah, she looks just like, Summer." Corey said simply, he looked up at me and my mouth was in a tight line, "She's beautiful..." Corey added, and smiled at the baby.

     "But, she does have Corey's smiled." Layla added, "It's like it's genetic. Even River has it, however, River looked all like you."

     "That he does..." I said simply.

     Corey looked up at me, he slightly frowned and looked down, "How are you guys doing...?" Layla asked hesitantly. We both just stay completely quiet- no movement at all- and we just stare at each other, "Sorry, I asked..." Layla drifted off, "I should be going." Layla added.

     "Here I can take her." Corey said to Layla.

     She handed Autumn to him and she got up from the couch. She headed for the door, but turned around and looked between me and Corey, "I really do hope you guys work out whatever you need to." She said. She gave us both a small smile, and headed out the door.

     I kept still against the wall, I had my arms against my back, and watched as Corey held Autumn. I found myself tilting my head and staring in wonder. I couldn't help but yearn for Corey's touch again, it's been a long time and I wanted so bad to feel him. I just didn't know if I could trust him again, I've been hurt so much in my past, and I felt so broken...

     Autumn started to make gurgling noise, then she started to giggle at Corey, and Corey smiled at this, "Oh, I thinks she's falling asleep..." Corey said as he looked down at the baby, and then to me, "I'm gonna go put her down." He said to me.

     I nodded my head and he made his way to our room. I headed to the kitchen, I leaned over the counter, and started to rub grease off of it. I just wanted to get my mind off of things.

     I kept rubbing until I felt a pair of hands on either side of my hips, and I felt the strong hands going up and down my sides.

     I know that touch...

     He started to push himself against me, I stood up and leaned against Corey, and I felt he plant a kiss on my neck. I found myself moaning at his every touch, and every kiss. He turned me around to face him, I could see the look of wanting and lust. I stared back him in confusion, he leaned and kissed me fiercely.

     I found myself kissing him back, however, something in me couldn't go on. Tears started to fall down my cheeks, I broke off the kiss and Corey looked back at me with guilt, "Corey, I don't...I can't... I cried.

     Corey pulled me against his chest, and I found myself letting him, "It's okay..." He replied, "I'm here...I'm always here..." He added, and I could hear the hurt in his voice.

     We sunk down towards the floor, with his arms wrapped around me, and I was still sobbing in to his chest. I looked up at him, "It sucks that I fell in love let alone married, with my best friend, because it's over, and you're the one person I want to comfort me." I cried.

     "Is it over...?" Corey looked at me hurt.

      I looked back at him with teary filled eyes, "I don't want it to be, but, I don't know, Corey..." I replied, "Maybe me and you were never a good idea." I added.

     Corey ran his hands through his hair, and looked at me with red-rimmed eyes, "Fuck...Summer. I love you..." He said, and tear fell down his cheek.

     I nodded my head, and I wiped at my cheeks, "Love makes everything harder doesn't it..."


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, it took forever to get his out, but here it is. I hope you guys like it. Comment and vote.

QOTD: What do you think about Corey still trying to comfort, even though he was the one that hurt her?

P.S. I'll write more later tonight. :)

Sincerely, Ana XD

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