Chapter 3: Another River?

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"I don't know, Corey." I replied as I was loading the washing machine.

"Come on..." Corey said sweetly, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and nuzzled his chin in the crook of my neck, "Don't you want another?" he added.

I laid my head against his, and caressed his arm, "Corey, we're trying to make it through with the small income we have now, and..." I paused, "I mean another child is a lot more work, and we're still so young..." I added hesitantly.

Corey turned me around to face him, and he braced his hands on either side of my shoulders, "Babe, I don't want you to worry about money, and I mean we had River young." Corey explained.

I tilted my head, and gave him a look, "Corey, I do worry about stuff like that, and plus River was never planned."

"But, we made it and we'll continue to make it, Summer," he said sweetly, and lifted my chin with his finger, "Look, just think about it." he added.

"Why do you want a baby so bad?" I smirked.

"So, River has a sibling and I don't know...I kind of like...the whole baby-making part of it," he said as he looked up at me, and smirked, "Plus, it's better without a you know..."

"Really?" I chuckled, "Fine, I'll think about it." I added with a slight smile.

"That's all I ask." Corey said as he puts his hands up, and smiles.

"Right." I replied, he leaned into me, and gently kissed my on my lips.

"Daddy!" River called Corey, as he ran into the kitchen, and wrapped his arms around Corey's leg.

Corey bent down, and picked up River in his arms, "Hey, buddy. What's up?" River put his little finger on his chin, looked at Corey, and giggled. He nuzzled his head in Corey's shoulder, and I couldn't help but smile at this.

River picked up his head, "Noting, Daddy, I just wanted a hug," River smiled sweetly.

Corey smiled at this, "Hey, buddy, What do you think of a baby brother or sister?" Corey asked. I looked at him, and gave him a look.

"Yea!" River exclaimed, and smiled widely at me.

I sighed, and gave River a small smile, "We'll see," I replied, "So, you're going to team up against me," I said, and directed my attention to Corey.

"No," Corey said shaking his head, and smirked, "Just asking what he thinks."

I shook my head, and Corey kissed River's, "Maybe, we can change Mommy's mind, right?" Corey said to River as he walked away with him in his arms.

"Yea!" River clapped, and giggled with joy, "Mommy, have more babies!"

"Ugh, Corey!" I called after him, and couldn't help but to smile.


Dear Readers,

Sorry, it's such a short chapter, however, I will try to make the next couple of chapter longer. Tell me what you guys think, and vote!

QOTD: Do you think they're are ready for another baby (AKA another River)?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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