Chapter 18: Autumn Cecilia Haim

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     I heard the sound of gentle cooing coming from somewhere, I opened my eyes and to see Corey holding the baby, "You're so pretty..." Corey gently cooed, "You know you look just like your mommy." Corey added, and the baby made the sweetest noise.

     I couldn't help but to smile at the sight. Corey started to gently bounce the baby, and smiled when she gurgled, " I'll always love your Mommy, but, daddy screwed up." He confided in the baby. The baby reached out one of her little hands, and Corey gently caressed her little fingers with his index finger, "What do you think daddy should do?" Corey asked the baby. The baby responded with a giggle, and grabbed Corey's index finger. Corey started to laugh at this, he turned around and looked at me, "Hi..." He said gently.

     I reached my arms out for the baby, he walked over to me, and placed her in my arms, "Hi, little girl..." I smiled. The baby smiled up at me, I saw myself in her, however, she did had Corey's smile. Another person to remind me of him, "You're so pretty..." I admired her round face, and scarlet cheeks.

     "Have you thought of a name, yet?" Corey asked me quietly.

I looked up at him, and I shook my head, "No..."

     Corey scratched the back of his head, and then he put his hands in his pockets, "Well...I was thinking" He stumbled, and then he gave me a hesitant smile.

     I looked down at the baby girl in my arms, and thought about the name Autumn. It sounded nice. My name was Summer, and hers could be Autumn. It kind of goes to together, and she was born in Autumn, "I like it..." I agreed, and I nodded my head at him.

     "Really?" He smiled at me.

     I gave him a small smile in return, and nodded my head again, "Yea..."

     The door opened, and the young female nurse came through with a clipboard, "Hi, guys. Did you pick a name yet?" she asked me and Corey.

     Me and Corey looked at each other, and nodded, "Autumn Cecilia." I replied to the nurse.

     The nursed nodded her head, and wrote it down on the clipboard, "So, is she going to have the father's last name?" The nurse asked as she looked between us.

     Without hesitation I said, "Her father's." Corey looked down at me, and a smile spread across his face.

     The nurse checked the paper, "So, it's Autumn Cecilia Haim?" The nurse asked checking for confirmation.

     "Thanks guys." She smiled, and left the room.

     Corey looked down at me, and he twisted his lips, "I'll leave you alone with the baby." Corey said.

     Before he could leave, I grabbed his arm, he stopped, and turned around to face me, "You can stay..." I replied.

     Corey nodded his head, he sat on the bed next to me, and we admired the small round little cherub named Autumn.


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, this one is so short! But, what do you guys think of the name? I tried to incorporate the name you guys suggested. :)

QOTD: What's going to happen with Corey and Summer? What do you want to see happen?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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