Chapter 7: Yes!

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     "Okay, I need you to got room to room, and check on patient's vitals." The middle-aged male doctor instructed.

     "Okay." I reply.

     The doctor turns around towards the secretary, "Can you get Mrs. Haim a new stethoscope?" he asked the young female secretary, and she nods her head,  "Thanks." he says as she walks away to get one.

     "By the way I'm Dr. Gladstone. Let me know if you need anything." he smiles, and shakes my hand.

     "Hi." I smile back.

    The doctor turns and stops a nurse, who looks like she's a bout thirty, and has her brown hair in a bun, "Laurie, hi, this is Summer, she's new, and I was wondering if you could help show her the ropes." the doctor asked.

     The woman looked at me with her hazel eyes, and smiled at me, "Sure, why not?"

     "Great! At the end of the day, check in with me, and let me know how everything went." Dr. Gladstone said as he walked away, and left me and Laurie standing in the hallway.

     "So you're new?" Laurie asked curiously.

     I shifted my weight onto my right leg, and replied, "Yea, it's that obvious, right?"

     "Don't be scared. You'll catch on pretty quick, and everyone here is mostly nice," she assured me.

     "Mostly nice?" I questioned as I tilted my head.

     "Watch out for nurse Kaufax. She's a bit...bitchy, "she replied, "It's the best way I can describe her. Between you, and me I think she is going through menopause," she whispered to me, and then chuckled.

     "Thanks for the tip." I smiled.

     Laurie leaned back, and arched any eyebrow at me, "You look pretty young. How old are you, sweetheart?"

     I looked up at her, and raised my brows, "Uh, twenty-two," I answered.

     "Wow, that is young! Are you married?"

     I nodded my head, and said, "Yea."

     "Awe, isn't that the sweetest thing!" she exclaimed, "Do you have any kids?"

     "Just one. He's four." I smiled.

     "Wow, you must've had him young then. What's the munchkins name?" she asked with a smile.

     "River." I stated.

     "Wow, that is some name, and it's very strong, but, yet peaceful."

     "Thank you." I smiled at her.

     "Well, let's get you started, and have you check on patients." She said, and showed me where to start.


     A couple of hours later...

     "Emergency! We have a pregnant one, and she's about to go into labor!" I heard someone shout. I looked up from where I was standing, and saw a girl being wheeled in. She had long, black, and wavy hair. Her skin was pale, but, her eyes were a shocking blue/green combination. Next to her, was a young man, and he had sort of longish blonde hair and blue eyes.

     "Summer!" I heard someone shout my name, and it was Dr. Gladstone, "I need you to help wheel her in, get her settled, and make sure her vitals are stable. Ok?" he added.

     I rushed over to the pregnant woman in the wheelchair, "Okay, how far apart are the contractions?" I asked the girl.

     "They're about...Ugh, two minutes apart." she managed to say.

See You Again: Raising River #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now