Chapter 16: Rehab

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     Four months pregnant.

     "He's in rehab." Feldman said to me as we sat on my couch.

     I took a deep breath, "When did he go?" I asked somewhat curiously. I haven't talked to Corey in about three months; not since our fight. Everything was becoming more surreal because I could feel the baby kicking, and River's fifth birthday was coming up soon in July.

     "He went in about a week ago." Feldman answered.

     Layla turned towards me, and grabbed my hands, "That's good." She assured me, "At least he's trying to get himself together." she added.

     Feldman smiled at me, "Corey told me he didn't want to put you through what your father did." he said, "He's sorry about that, he wants you to know that he loves you, River and the baby."

     I swallowed a lump that was in my throat, and ran my hands through hair, "When he's he getting out." I asked him curiously, and anxiously awaited the answer.

     "Well, he should be out in four months, however, if he does really good he'll be let out early." he answered, "He wants you guys to come, and visit on River's birthday. If you can." he added.

     I looked down at River who was sitting on my lap, and asked him, "Do you want to see, daddy?"

     River looked up at me with a huge smile, "Yea, daddy!" he exclaimed and clapped his little hands. I couldn't help but to smile at this, I haven't see him this happy in a long time, and it felt good.

     "We can take him if you want." Layla said gesturing to her and Feldman, "We understand if you don't want to see him..." She added.

     I shook my head at her, "No, it's fine I'll go." I stated.

     "Are you sure?" feldman asked with slight concern.

     I nodded my head, and have them a small smile, "Yea, I'll be fine." I replied, "Besides he might as well know how this baby is doing..." I said and gestured to my stomach.

     River turned around in my lap, and planted a kiss onto my stomach, "Baby. I wuv the baby, mommy." He smiled.

     I looked down at River, and started to giggle at his comment, "I do too." I chuckled.

     "And daddy loves the baby too, right?" River asked me.

     "I'm sure he does." I said, and smiled down at him.


Dear Readers,

     Awe, River loves the baby! What do you guys think about Corey being in rehab, and about him seeing the baby? Comment and vote! Sorry, about the short chapter my laptop is about to restart.

QOTD: What do you want to see happen?

Sincerely, Ana XD

See You Again: Raising River #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now