Chapter 5: Are You Going To Age With Grace?

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"When do you start filming?" I asked Corey as we laid in bed together.

"We start in a couple of days." Corey replied, he turned on his side, and gently ran his finger through my hair.

I looked into his eyes, and smiled, "Do you have a leading lady?"

Corey stopped running his fingers through my hairs, and just looked at me, "Yea..." he whispered.

"What's the movie about?" I asked curiously, and turned on my side to face Corey.

"It's about a young girl, who tries to convince her boyfriend that her father murdered her mother, and that he should die too." He explained.

"Hmm, interesting..." I chuckled, "This girl sounds sort of..."


"I guess," I said, "So, have you met this girl yet?" I asked curiously.

Corey started to rub my arm up, and down, "Yea, we rehearsed a little with the director, and her name is Nicole."

My eyes traveled over his body, and I ran my hands down his bare chest, "Are you going to be intimate with her?" I asked. Corey didn't say anything, and he twisted his mouth in hesitation, "Corey, it's okay. It's just a movie, and I know that your work calls for that kind of thing."

"Yea." He answered, "But, I could never love anyone else but you."

I tilted my head, and tossed my hair over my shoulder, "Hmm, kiss me." I said while leaning into his lips, and connecting with him.

"Mommy..." I heard a little voice say, and looked over to my bedside, to see River standing there in his pajamas, and an innocent look on his face, "I can't sleep," he added.

"Come here." I said as I picked him up, and laid him between me and Corey.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" Corey asked.

"I want Mommy to sing me a song," River replied, and looked up at from the covers.

Corey looked over at me too, and gestured for me to go ahead, "The stage is yours," Corey chuckled. I looked at Corey, I shook my head at him and chuckled too.

I moved River closer to me, and put his head on my shoulder, "When you fall asleep, with your head upon my shoulder," I gently sang, "When you're in my arms, but, you've gone somewhere deeper." I added, and started to caress River's cheek.

"Are you going to age with grace? Are you going to age without mistakes? Are you going to age with grace, or, only to wake and hide your face?" I continued, and River's eyes were already closed. I looked up from River, and saw Corey staring at me.

Corey leaned over River, he was inches away from my face, and he kissed me deeply with passion. He gently caressed my face, and my neck, "That is why I could never love anyone else but you..." he whispered as he broke off the kiss.

I stared into his eyes deeply, and was taken by surprise with the kiss, "Okay..." I whispered back, and gently smiled at him.


Dear Readers,

Sorry, if the chapter isn't that good, and not as long. What do you guys think about it so far? Should I keep going with this story?

QOTD: What do you think about Feldman and Layla's relationship?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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