Chapter 16: The Set-up

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     Eight and half months later...

     I was at Layla's house watching her dog Kit-Kat while she was out with Feldman, and River was on the floor play with his play-dough. I was pretty big now, and the baby was almost due. I couldn't stop thinking about how it was going to be when the baby got here, and how it would work out with Corey seeing the baby. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be with him, however, I think I still loved him.

     I walked over to the kitchen, I opened the cabinet, and looked for dog food. I finally found the bag labeled Purina Puppy Chow, I grabbed it and the Kit-Kat immediately ran over to me. Kit-Kat was a brown dog, and had chocolate brown eyes. I bent down as much as I could, and filled his bowl with dog food, "There we go boy. That should be enough, huh?" I said to the dog. The happily ate the food.

     I stood up, and placed the dog food back in the cabinet, "Hey, mommy? Why did Layla call the doggie Kit-Kat?" I heard River call out to me, "Is it because he's da color of a Kit-Kat?" River asked.

     I walked in to the living room, and chuckled, "Pretty much, and Layla has an obsession with Kit-Kats." I explained.

     River looked up at me with confusion, "What's obsession, mommy?" River asked curiously.

     I walked over to River, and sat down next to him, "When you like something a lot, and you can't get enough of it." I explained, and I ran my fingers through his dirty blonde hair.


     I chuckled, and I started to play with the play-dough. I heard the door bell ring, I got up, and walked over to the door. I opened the door, and standing in front of me was Corey. He was wearing a black t-shirt, slacks and his black hair was combed to the side. He was holding a dog toy in his hand. We stood there staring at each other, and I was surprised that he was out.

     He looked good...

     "Um, I thought Layla was here..." Corey explained, "She told me to come by with this toy for Kit-Kat..." He added with confusion.

     "Uh, Layla's not here." I stated somewhat nervously.

     "I can come back later..." Corey replied, and he scratched the back of his head.

     Before he left I asked him, "When did you get out?"

     He looked up at me, "Um, today. I was going to ask you if I could...see River..." He drifted off.

     "Why would Layla..." I stopped myself, and I finally got it. Layla intentionally went out with Feldman, she knew that Corey was getting out today, and told him to come here.

     Corey looked at me, and something in his expression told me he figure it out too, "Layla set this up." Corey chuckled.

     I opened the door, "River's here if you want to see him."

     "Really...?" Corey asked surprised.

     I looked back at him with the same surprise, "I would never keep him from you..."

     "Thanks." He said softly, he entered the house and I closed the door behind us.

     River looked over at Corey, and his eyes lit up, "Daddy!" He exclaimed as he got up, and ran over to Corey.

     Corey picked up River, and held him in his arms, "Hey, buddy. How's my little man doing?" He asked River.

     "I missed you, daddy..." River said sadly, and laid his little head on Corey's chest. Corey sighed, he rubbed River's head and looked at me with pain-filled eyes.

     "I missed you too, buddy..." Corey replied.

     "Are you going to come back home?" River asked Corey.

     Corey looked down at the floor, "I don't think that's going to happen..."

     I felt my chest tighten, and I felt so much pressure. I felt knots in throat forming, and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't handle it, and so I turned away.

     "I think mommy misses you too..." River added.

     Did I?

     Suddenly, I felt a fierce pain in my abdomen, I clutched at my stomach and I held on to the wall.

     "Are you okay?" Corey asked concerned.

     "Ugh..!" I hissed in pain.

     Corey put down River, and walked over to me, "Summer, are you okay?" He asked as he put his hand on the small of my back.

     I pushed his hands away, my face twisted in pain, and I started to breathe heavily, "I'm fine." I said to Corey.

     "Let me help you." He replied sympathetically.

     "Why should I trust you after everything..." I kind of blurted out, and he was taken aback by this. I looked up at him, and saw his face drain of it's color.

     I hissed in pain again, and he was there with his hands on me helping me stand up, "I deserved that." He stated.

     "What's wrong with, mommy?" River asked in his innocent voice.

     "She'll be fine..." Corey tried to assure River.

     "You know what else you des-" I was about to say, however, I felt a warm liquid run down my legs and I saw a puddle forming at my feet. I was still breathing heavily, and me and Corey looked at each other.


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, I have to cut you guys off here! Sorry, it took so long, but, I was busy writing "Take Me To Church". What do you guys think? The baby's coming!!!! There's more to come, and I have an ending in mind already!!! It's no ending yet, however, there is an ending in mind.

QOTD: What do you think will happen?

P.S. Do you guys like these little letters at the end of the chapters?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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