Chapter 4: Pony

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     "Are you ready for that?" Layla asked as she sat on the floor, and played with River.

     I shifted on the couch, and pursed my lips, "I don't know..." I shrugged my shoulders.

     Layla stopped playing with River, looked at me and tilted her head, "You don't know?" Layla retorted and raised her eyebrows at me, "Come on. Have another little Corey running around," Layla added with a chuckle.

     Am I ready? I thought.

     "It's just we're still so young, and Corey doesn't always have a job." I replied.

     "But, I bet the baby-making part is great, right?" Layla said while wiggling her eyebrows.

     "Really?" I said, and gave her a look.

     Layla raised her eyebrows at me, "Come on, Corey's..." Layla stopped when she saw the look on my face, "What? Come on, you know Corey is sexy," she smiled.

     "Tell me something I don't know." I smiled at her.

     "Then, you some of his baby-maker." She laughed, and I couldn't help but to burst out laughing too.

     "His baby-maker?" I questioned.

     "I don't know. What do you call it?"

     "Definitely not a 'baby-maker'." I chuckled in reply. Layla looked at me waiting for an answer, "What?" I said.

     "So, what do it?" she said dragging it out.

     I covered my face in embarrassment, and looked over at River. Layla got the hint, she covered his ears and look back me, "Well..." she smiled, "Come on. What do you say in the heat of the moment?" she added.

     "Well, I don't refer to it all during you know..."

     "Sex." Layla finished the sentence.

     "Yea." I shrugged my shoulders, and smiled.

     "Come on. You must say something while you're riding his pony." Layla said, and wiggled her eyebrows.

     I tilted my head in a questioning manner, "Pony really?" I chuckled. Layla shrugged her shoulders, and nodded her head, "I kind of like it," I laughed.

     "Of course you do. You're a dirty girl," Layla laughed in return.

     "Dick." I blurted out.

     Layla looked at me with a shocked expression, and confusion written on her face, "What?" she asked.

     "That's what I call it, okay? His... dick," I smiled, I covered my face in embarrassment and felt my face turn red.

     "Oh!" Layla laughed, and uncovered her hands from River's ears. I removed my hands from my face, and shook my head, "Well, well, you just go the most straight-forward name for it," she added.

     I shrugged my shoulders, I picked up River and sat him in my lap, Hey, you asked," I smiled. The front door opened, and Corey walked in. The first thing I noticed was his hair was no longer dirty blonde, but, a soft brown color and his hair was more relaxed. I stared at him in shock, but, I kind of liked it. It suited him, and it was very sexy.

     "Hey, ladies." Corey said, as he walked in, and placed a kiss on mine and River's head, "Hey, bud," Corey said to River.

     "Daddy!" River exclaimed, and stretched his arms out to Corey. Corey picked him up, and cradled him on his hip. River laid his head on Corey's shoulder, and Corey caressed his thumb across River's dirty blond hair.

     "What happened to your hair?" I asked curiously.

     "You like it?" Corey asked.

     I stood up, and combed my fingers through his hair, "No." I said plainly. Corey's smile faded, and he just looked at me, "I don't like it, but, I do love it," I smiled, and Corey's smile reappeared.

     "Great..." Corey said, he smiled his lopsided smile, and gently kissed me on my lips.

     "What do you guys think?" Feldman said loudly as he walked in to the house, and hooked an arm around Corey. I heard Layla make a disgusted noise, and saw her roll her eyes.

     "It's great," I smiled.

     "Ooh, Layla, Layla." Feldman said with a smirk, spun around, and crouched down next to her, "How, a-"

     "Save it." Layla cut him off, and held a hand in front of his face.

     "Come on, baby. When are you going to give me a chance?" he replied, casually hooking his arm around her, and she immediately brushed him off, "Okay, playing hard to get."

     I turned to Corey, "So, why the hair change?"

     "I got it."

     I raised an eyebrow at him, "Got what?" I asked confused.

     "I got a part in a movie." Corey smiled.

     "Really!?" I exclaimed, and threw my arms around him, "Congratulations," I said, and pulled away.

     "Thanks, see I told you not to worry."

     "What movie?"

     "It's called Blown Away." he replied.

     "Sound interesting." I pursed my lips.

     "You got a role?" Layla asked as she was swatting off Corey's advances.

     "Yup." Corey replied.

     "Well, we should go out, and celebrate. My treat." Layla smiles.

     "Sounds great." Me and Corey said in unison.

     Layla got up, and so did Corey, "Bye, Feldman," Layla said, and rolled her eyes.

     "Come on, let Feldman come. He's my friend," Corey stated.

     "Yea, I feel bad for you," Layla replied sarcastically, and cocked and eyebrow, "Fine, but, he goes in your car. I'll take Summer and River," Layla gave in.

     "Feisty, I like it." Corey growled at her, and walked out the door.

     "Be nice." I said to Layla as we walked out the door.

     "It's like dealing with a retarded dog." Layla said while rolling her eyes, and I laughed at her comment.


Dear Readers,

     Tell me what you guys think! Comment and vote!

QOTD: Would you guys like a cross-over?

Sincerely, Ana XD


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