Chapter 19: How Do I Breathe?

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     I awoke in a dark room lit only lit by the monitor, and I was screaming from a dream I had. It was a dream about my father, and then I started dreaming about Corey and what he did to me, "Sh..." Corey said as walked up to me, he climbed on to the bed, and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm here..."

     I cried into his chest, and I felt my heart pounding really fast. I pounded my fist into his chest, and cried, "How can you protect me when you're the one that hurt me...?" I cried, "Why?"

     "I'm sorry... I should've been there, and I wasn't." I heard Corey whisper back at me.

     I continued to cry into his chest, and he held me closer to him, "Why did you hurt me...?" I cried, "I loved you..." I added as I grabbed his shirt.

     Corey gently caressed my hair, "Drugs make you do stupid things, but I never stopped loving you..."

     "Damn it, Corey!" I cried, "I was so stupid..."

     Corey grabbed my chin, and moved it so I could look at him in the eyes, "Baby you are not to blame at all. I was the one who pushed you away. I wished I could have never let you fall." Corey explained.

     I cried at his words, and buried my face in into his chest more, "I should leave you you right now..." I continued to cry, "But I can't..."

     "Why...?" Corey asked hesitantly.

     I looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes, "Because...I still...I still love you, Corey." I replied.

     Corey looked back at me with pain-filled eyes, and his breathing was shallow, "I still love you too..."

     "I miss you, Corey..."

     "I know..." He whispered to me.

     We looked at each other for a moment, then Corey grabbed my chin and lowered his lips onto mine. I leaned into the kiss, I put my hands his chest and we kissed each other with so much passion. I don't know why it happened, however, I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. We broke off the kiss, and I laid my head against his chest.

     I still wasn't sure about us. I was still hurt.


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, that this chapter is really short! I just wanted a whole chapter with just Corey, and Summer talking, and hashing things out. Comment and vote!

QOTD: Do you think they'll get back together?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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