Chapter 8: Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie

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     A couple of days later...

     I walked through my front door, and lock I behind me. I place my keys, and bag on the kitchen counter, "Mommy!" River says in excitement, he runs over to me, and I pick him up and kiss him on his cheek.

     "Hi, baby." I smiled, and hug him tighter.

     "Long day?" Layla says as she walks in, and sit down on the couch in the living room.

     I put River down, and sit next to her, "Yup," I reply, "Hey, where's Corey?" I ask while looking around for him.

     "He hasn't come home yet?" Layla replied.

     I lean my head back on the couch, and turn my head towards her, "It's almost eleven thirty. He should've been here by now."

     Layla throws her hands up in exasperation, "I don't know. Maybe he's working late, and has had the time to call yet," Layla replied.

     I sit up on the couch, and cock any eyebrow at her, "You okay?" I asked concern.

     Layla rubs her head, and shakes it, "No, Sorry, I'm just tired," she said, "The guy I was suppose to go out with cancelled on me. Again." she added.

     I put my hand Layla's shoulder, and gently rub it, "Sorry, Hun."

     Layla waves her hands in the air, and shakes her head, "It's not your fault. The least he could do is tell me he's not interested."

     "I know who's interested in you," I smirked, and gave Layla a look.

     "Who?" she asked with big eyes, and curiosity.

     I tried to suppress my laughter, but, it was too hard, "Feldman!" I said, and started to laugh.

     "Oh, geez. That is not going to happen!"

     "Come on? He's...nice." I smiled at her, and continue to chuckle. Layla shakes her head, and heads towards the kitchen and sits down in a huff. I follow her, and sit down in a chair next to hers, "At least he shows interest, and he has a job. He's doing that movie with Corey," I state.

     Layla rolls her eyes, and rubs her temples, "Over. My. Dead. Body."

     "I don't think Feldman would mind that." I joke, and Layla playfully slaps me on the arm.

     "You're so lucky..." Layla says with pursed lips, and lays her head on the table and cover her head with her arms.

     "What're you talking about?" I asked confused.

     Layla picks up her head, and looks at me with a 'really?' look, "Are you serious?" she asked, and I cock an eyebrow at her, "Come on. You have a good-looking husband, great child, an awesome job and you're good looking," she says with a hint of envy, "Will I ever have that?"

     "First, of all I'm not perfect. Secondly, yes you will," I state truthfully, "You just need to give it time."

     "Yea. We'll see." She says as she covers her face with her hands.

     "You can sleep on the couch tonight if you want?"

     "Thanks," Layla said into her hands, "Is t-"

     I cut her off, "The double chocolate fudge brownie ice cream is in the fridge." I smile, and Layla stuck her thumb up at me, "Good night," I chukled.


     I pick up River, and tuck him in to his bed, "Mommy?" River says in his little voice.

    "Where's Daddy?" he asked, "He's not here to say good night..."

     I kneel beside the bed, and rest my arms on the edge, "Awe, River, honey, Daddy is still working. But, he'll be here to say good morning to you," I assured him.

     River look at me with disappointment, and a small smile begins to form on his face, "Okay. I wuv you, mommy," He says, and I lean in to give him a kiss.

     "Goodnight, baby." I whisper. Before I leave I turn on his little ladybug night light, and quietly close his door as I leave.

     After I left River's room, I leaned against the door, and took a deep breath. I feel bad that River wanted Corey there, and he wasn't, but, Corey has to work. I'm just surprised that it's that late.


Dear Readers,

The mystery is starting to build up, and the chapters will get more interesting. Stay tuned! Oh, and what story do you guys want me to update next?

QOTD: Why do you think Corey is working late?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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