Epilogue: Part 3 (The End)

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     Me, Corey and the kids sat down at one of the table at the wedding reception. The place was decorated in lavender and white table cloths, there were lilies in the centerpieces and candle lights. The room was under a cabana and the moon was illuminating the night.

     "Hey, River, stop poking your sister." I said to River.

     River looked at me with a pouty look, and then he crossed his arms over his chest, "Why?" He asked, "She was trying to take my toy." He added.

     I tilted my head at him, "The world is coming to an end." I said sarcastically.

     This time River tilted his head at me and gave me a sarcastic smile, "Ha ha, I almost forgot to laugh." River countered.

     I chuckled at his comment and I raised my brows at him, "It was funny."

     "It was." Corey said jokingly siding with me.

     "Thank you." I replied.

     The waiters came by and started to serve our table. A plate of gourmet steak, assorted veggies, homemade mashed potatoes and some wine for the adults, "Thanks." I said to the young male waiter who served us.

     I started to dig in, and enjoying the different tastes dancing around in my mouth. I looked up from my plate to see everyone staring at me. I swallowed my food, wiped my mouth with a napkin and I nervously chuckled, "What?" I asked.

     "Are you okay?" Corey asked with his lopsided smile.

     I looked at him surprised, "Um, uh...yea. I'm fine." I stumbled, "It's just really good food." I added.

     Judy leaned into my ear and whispered," Geez, with the way you're eating you'd think you were pregnant."

     My heart started to beat fast and I looked at her trying to compose myself, "No, I'm not. It's really good food."

     Judy leaned back and gave me a knowing look, "Mm..." She replied suspiciously.

     "Grandma, can you help me cut my chicken?" River asked Judy.

     Judy looked over at River who was right next to her, and she smiled at him, "Sure, baby." She happily obliged and started to cut his chicken for him.

     "You look really pretty." Corey said to me with a smirk.

     I looked at him and smiled back at him, "You don't look so bad yourself." I complimented him. I leaned into his ear and whispered, "That tux really turns me on..."

     I leaned back and saw a mischievous smirk cross his face, "You're going to have to save that for later..." He said as he bit his lip.

     I took a sip of my water, "Hmm, gladly." I said flirtatiously.

     "Why don't you have some wine?" Judy offered.

     I looked at her and I was light a deer caught in headlights, "No, I'm not in the mood for that..." I replied.

     "Come on. It's a wedding." Judy stated.

     Corey looked at us with confusion, "Mom, she doesn't want any." He said to Judy.

     Suddenly, the sound of a clinking glass caught everyone's attention. At least the attention was off of me for a little. Layla stood up from her table and was holding a glass of water, "Hi, everyone I wanted to thank you guys for being here, and being so supporting and loving." She said, "I especially want to thank Summer for being there for me." She added.

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