Chapter 14: Lost Boy

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     5 months pregnant.

     I waited in the lobby of the Los Angeles rehab center, I had River sitting on my lap, he was dressed in a sweater and a big red bow tie. Red is his favorite color, and he insisted on it being red. I was wearing a blue a-line dress, and it had a deep plunging neck line. The dress accentuated my baby bump, so it was very noticeable and bigger.

     "Mommy, are we going to see daddy soon?" He asked impatiently.

     I started to rock him on my knee, and fixed his hair, "Yea, buddy, soon." I smiled at him. To be honest I was really nervous to see him, and for him to see me. I just hope that he is better, however, I don't know how I feel about us.

     "He's waiting in the meeting room. You can see him now." The tall brown-haired, and blue eyes woman said with a smile.

     "Thanks." I smiled, and nodded at her.

     "No problem." She replied, and walked back over to the front desk.

     "Are you ready to see daddy, River?" I asked him.

     River looked up at me, and his eyes lit up, "Yea! I want to see, daddy!" River exclaimed with joy, and clapped his hands.

     I stood up, and set River down so he could walk. We started to walk down a long hallway, I looked for the door marked Meeting Room and River started to run ahead with his little legs, "Mommy, I found it!" He called, and pointed to the door we were looking for.

     "Okay, bud, just wait for me." I smiled, and I walked as fast as I could over to him with this big belly.

     I took a deep breath, and opened the meeting room door. The first thing I saw was Corey, he was dressed in a white t-shirt, black slacks and his hair was combed to the side. His hair was now dyed black, and I hate to admit it but it looked nice. River ran up to Corey, and shouted, "Daddy!"

     "Hey, bud!" Corey smiled. He picked up River, and spun him around. River giggled, and they both smiled their shared lopsided smile. It melted my heart to see this. I haven't witnessed this in a long time, and Corey looked ten times better than before, "Happy Birthday, buddy." Corey said to River.

     I closed the door, I stood their looking at them and resting my hands on my stomach. Corey looked up, he did a double take when he saw me, and his mouth hung slightly open. I looked back at him, and looked away, "Daddy, mommy's having a baby!" River exclaimed.

     Corey looked down at Corey, and smiled, "Yea, I know, buddy." Corey looked back at me, and gave me his lopsided smile, "You look great..." he drifted off.

     I licked my lips, and looked up at him, "Thanks..." I replied.

     "Is it boy or a girl?" he said pointing to my stomach.

     "A girl." I stated gently.

     Corey's face changed in to surprise, and pure shock, "We're...we're having a girl...?" he asked.


     "When are you due?"

      "In Four months." I replied.

     Corey put River down on the floor, and he put his hands in his pockets, "I hope I'm out before then." He said hopefully and gave me a gentle smile.

     I didn't say anything, I went to go sit down, and Corey came over towards me, "Do you need help?" he asked nicely.

     "I'm fine." I said firmly.

     Corey backed off, and scratched the back of his head, "I'm sorry." he apologized, "Summer, I just-"

     I put my hand up to stop him, and shook my head, "Let's just keep it about River." I said, "It's his day..."

     Corey took his hands out of his pockets, and sat down across from me, "Sorry..."

     I swallowed a lump that was in my throat, and I bit my lip nervously. I felt kind of bad for being harsh, but I didn't want to talk to him about that stuff when River is near, and I certainly didn't think I was ready yet.

     Throughout the visit Corey spent time with River, he gave River the Batman action-figure that he wanted, and it seemed like Corey was doing good. Through out the meeting I caught Corey glancing at me, and vice versa.

     "Come on, River. We have to go." I told River who was playing with his new toy, and he pretended to be Batman.

     River looked up at me with big eyes, "But, mommy, I want to stay with, daddy..." He begged.

     I felt knots form in my throat, "We have to go. The visiting time is over." I tried to explain to him.

     Tears started to fall from River's eyes, and his lip curled, "Daddy, can't you come with us?" River said, and turned towards Corey.

     Corey looked up at me, and I could see pain in his eyes, "Sorry, buddy, I have to stay here." He said to River, "So I can get better..."

     "But, can't you get better with us?" River sobbed, and he tugged on Corey's pants, "I love you, daddy..." he added.

     It ripped me apart to see this, and I felt tears well up in my eyes. I stood up, and picked up River, "Mommy, I want, daddy..." River cried, and wiped his eyes with his little hands, "Why can't he come..."

     I looked at him, and I felt a tear fall down my face. I looked at Corey, and he looked back with teary eyes. He walked up to us, and gave River a kiss on his head, "Sorry, buddy. Happy birthday..." he said, "Thanks for bringing him." He said to me, he grabbed my cheek, and plated a kiss on my forehead, "I love you..." He added. I could smell the familiar scent of his cologne.

     I looked up at him, and more tears were falling down my cheeks. I grabbed River's toy, I headed for the door, the whole time River was reaching out for Corey, and crying, "Daddy!"

     Once I made into my car, I took deep breath, and let it all out. I grabbed the steering wheel, and put my head down on it. I couldn't believe how hard that was, and I felt so bad River. I felt as thought my heart had been ripped out, and stomped on.

     I miss him...


Dear Readers,

     Here is one part of the double update for this story. I'm going to try, and write more tonight, however, if I don't finish the double update I promise I'll do it tomorrow morning! I'm going to try, and write another chapter. I will also try and update "Take Me To Church" too. This chapter was pretty powerful, and I got choked up writing this.

QOTD: What are you thoughts and feelings about this? What do you think is going to happen? Do you think the title of this chapter is appropriate?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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