Epilogue: Part 2

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     I got to the foyer in front of the door, I let go of River's hand and put Autumn down onto the floor, "Here." Judy said as she handed me a basket full of lily petals.

     "Thanks." I said gratefully and handed it to Autumn, "Remember, baby, you walk down the aisle slowly and throw the petals on the floor, okay?" I instructed her.

     Autumn shook her little head, and grabbed the basket with her small hands, "Kay, mommy..." She agreed.

     "You remember what to do right, River?" I asked him.

    River shook his head and smiled at me, "Yup." He said confidently.

    I bent down and gave River a quick hug, "Good, baby." I smiled.

     I stood up and realized that all the bridesmaids and groomsmen were lining up. I was in front and I didn't see Corey yet (he's Feldman's best man). I looked all over for him and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Corey dressed handsomely in his tux, and his dark hair slicked to the side, "Wow..." Was all Corey said.

     "What...?" I asked worriedly, "Do I look good?" I added.

     Corey chuckled and nodded his head, "You're gorgeous." He stated sweetly, "And you are pretty just like your, mommy." Corey said as he bent down and kissed Autumn on her cheek.

     Autumn giggle and started to jump up and down, "Daddy, I get to throw petals." Autumn stated excitedly.

     "I see." Corey chuckled.

     Corey looked at me, he leaned in, he kissed me gently on the cheek and pulled back while biting his lip softly. I blushed at this and smiled widely at him.

     The wedding march music started up, and I gently nudged Autumn to start walking, "Go on, baby." I said gently.

     Autumn started to walk down the aisle, she looked a little nervous and was throwing a lot of petals on the group; which caused people to laugh. Me and Corey started to laugh at this, and so was was everyone else who was behind me.

     Then, Autumn ran over to Feldman and waved at him. Feldman started to laugh and so was everyone else.

     Then, it was mine and Corey's turn to walk down the aisle. Corey turned me, he gave me a sweet smile and opened his arm for me to take, "Ready...?" He whispered with a smile.

     I smiled back and intertwined my arm into his and we proceeded down the aisle together. Once we reached the end, we parted way and went on opposite sides.

     All the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle. Finally, Layla came down the aisle looking gorgeous, I looked over to Feldman and I saw him with the biggest smile on his face.

     Twenty minutes later...

     "Do you have the rings?" The pastor asked.

     Then, River came down the aisle with the small pillow, and the ring on top of it, "Here you go." River said with a big smile. Layla bent down and kissed River on the forehead.

     Feldman patted River on the shoulder and said, "Thanks, bud."

     River nodded his head, and stood next to Corey, "I Layla Winston, take you Corey Feldman to be my lawyfully wedded husband through sickness, and in health til' death do us part." Layla copied the pastor.

     "I Corey Feldman take you Layla Winston to be my lawyfully wedded my through sickness, and in health til' death do us part." Feldman reapeated after

     "By the powers vested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife." The pastor recited, "You may now kiss the bride." He added.

     Layla and Feldman engaged in a passionate kiss, and headed down the aisle. People were cheering all around us and throwing rice on the newly married couple.

     I picked up Autumn who was motioning for me to pick her up. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and she giggle at me. I looked over to Corey to see that he was looking at me and a smile appeared on his face; I reciprocated the smile to him, "I love you..." He mouthed.

     "I love you...." I mouthed back.


Dear Readers,

    Here's the Epilogue: Part 2. I hope guys like it! There's going to be a part 3 (don't worry)!

QOTD: Who are some of your favorite Wattpad writers or stories?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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