Chapter 11: I'm Sorry...

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     Later that day...

     "I'm sorry." I said my boss over the phone.

     I hear a frustrated sigh on the other end, "Mrs. Haim, you've missed work three time already, and I don't know what to do with you," he said.

     I twist the phone chord around my hand, and feel my heart beating fast, "I know, and I'm sorry, but, I couldn't find anyone to babysit my son," I explain, "I really do want this job..."

     I hear hesitation, and she takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry Mrs. Haim, I'm laying you off for now until you can situate yourself and you can come back."

     My breathing hitches, and I feel like tears are going to come out, "Yea... I understand," I croaked out, "Bye..." I said and hung up the phone.

     I turn towards the wall, I pounded my fist into it, I stopped pounding lean my head against the wall. I can't believe that I just got laid off, and the truth is that I'm tired. I want Corey to be here more, and I can't do this my self anymore.

     The door opened, and Corey came through. He threw his car keys onto the coffee table, and rubbed his eyes, "Hey, baby," he said as he looked over at me, "What's wrong?" he asked.

     I looked up at him, and walked over to him, "Where have you been?"

     Corey looked at me like I had three head, and he rubbed his face in exasperation, "Work," he stated like it wasn't even a question, "What's wrong?"

     I smoothed my hair back, and sighed, "I just off the phone with my boss..." I drifted off, and Corey looked at me for the rest of the explanation, "I got laid off."

     "Why?" he furrowed his brows in confusion.

     "Because Corey I can't find someone to babysit River, and Kindergarten hasn't started up yet," I explained, "So, I'm fucked," I added in frustration.

     "Just have Layla watch him."

     I picked my head up to look at him, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Layla has a life too, and can't be watching River all the time," I replied, "You should be here, and your not. River asks me all time where daddy is and I tell him you're working."

     "You know I'm working." He says as he walks towards the kitchen, and goes through the fridge.

     I walk up behind him, and I closed the fridge door, "Really? Because I heard you were at the Viper Room," I said at I kept my eyes on him.

     He stood up, and looked at me with bloodshot eyes, "What is your problem?" he spat, "So, what I went to the Viper Room."

     "With who?" I asked, waiting to see if he told the truth or if he would lie.

     "I went with Feldman."

     I scoffed, I walked over to the kitchen counter and leaned my back against it, "I don't remember Feldman being a leggy blonde," I said sarcastically.

     "Are you calling me a liar?" Corey said as he narrowed his eyes at me.

     "I'm not saying anything. I just think you should be there for your son." I shot back in anger.

     Corey put his hands up in confusion, and said, "I'm am there."

     I shook my head, and walked away towards the living room, "Sure..."

     "Do you have something to say?" Corey asked angrily as he followed me into the living room.

     I shook my head, "No, but, do you?"

     "Like what?"

     "I don't know. That's why I'm asking you." Corey walked closer to me, and I could see his bloodshot eyes more clearly, "Have you been drinking?"

     "No. I have a couple drink here and there," he replied, "What are you trying to call me an alcoholic?"

     I ignore his question, and I looked in to his eyes searching for the old Corey, "Are you on drugs?" I croaked out.

     Corey bobbed his head, "So, you think I'm drugs too!" Corey shouts.

     "Sh! Your son is sleeping." I whisper-shout at him, and gestures for him to keep quiet.

     "Stop accusing me then," he stated angrily.

     I gave him a sarcastic laugh, "I don't have to accuse you," I replied truthfully. The next thing I knew Corey pinned me up against the wall, and we were face to face. I started to breath heavily, and saw his bloodshot eyes inches away from me.

     "You don't know what you're talking about." He hissed at me, and tightened his grip on my wrists.

     I've never seen him like this, and it's really starting to scare me. I started to weep, and It tried to fight out of his grip. He stepped back, let me go and I fell to the floor weeping. I put my face in my hands, and continued to cry.

     "Look, Summer, I'm sorry," he tried to apologize, "I'm just under a lot of stress, and that girl she was no one. I didn't even do anything with her. I'm sorry."

     I didn't answer, and I continued to sob. He sat down next to me, he laid my head on his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his chest, and I couldn't even process what just happened, "Sorry, I'm sorry, Summer," he cried, and tightened my grip on his shirt. He started to rock me back and forth.

     Even perfect days can end in rain...


Dear Readers,

     Ooh, I can't believe I even wrote that! There's even more drama to come, and heartache. :(

QOTD: What do you think is going to happen? What story should I update next?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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