Chapter 15: You're Getting Bigger

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     A couple of weeks later...

     "Well, I guess he's not coming..." Layla said somewhat disappointed, and put down her cellphone.

     I sat up on her couch, I looked at her confused and with semi-puffy eyes, "Why not?" I asked.

     Layla pursed her lips, and shrugged her shoulders, "Feldman says that he's at your house." Layla answered hesitantly, and looked at me.

     "He's with...Corey...?" I asked, and looked at Layla for her answer.

     Layla looked down, and nodded her head, "Yea..." She whispered and looked over at me to make sure I was okay.

     Layla's phone beeped, she looked down and read the message, "Geez" I heard he say quietly.

     "What happened?"

     "Corey is really in bad shape." Layla answered honestly.

     I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge, I pulled out some leftover mashed potatoes and some ketchup. I took some potatoes from the bowl, I transferred it into a plate and then put it into the microwave.

     "Are you okay?" Layla asked curiously. She walked into the kitchen, she leaned against her kitchen counter and crossed her arms, "You're getting a little bigger." She said smiling at my protruding stomach.

     I looked down at my stomach, and frowned, "Don't remind me..." I said. Every time I looked at my stomach it reminded me of Corey, and I feel like I want to cry, "It hurts too much." I added.

     Layla sighed, and shook her head, "Summer, you can't forget about it." She replied, "There's a baby growing inside of you, and you can't ignore that. What are you going to do? Do you want the baby to grow up without a father, and River too?" Layla added.

     "Of course I want him to be there, but, I don't know if I want to be with him." I said as I looked at her with an exasperated expression, "My life is a mess, and I'm bringing a baby into it. You know how difficult that is?" I croaked out.


     I put my hand up in dismissal, "Don't be." I replied.

     "What're you going to do about, Corey?"

     I looked up at her and shrugged my shoulders, "What can I do?"

     "Feldman told me that you're all that Corey talked about, and that he's spiraling out of control." Layla stated.

     "He has Nicole doesn't he?" I said in anger.

     "He know what he did was wrong. Ever since the movie finished he stopped seeing her, he's home earlier, but his drug use has gotten worse since you left."

     I was shocked at Layla had said, and I was speechless, "That's not my fault..."

     Layla stood up straighter, and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, "Look, I know it's not, however, when you were married you made a vow to be there for each; for better or worse, right?" She replied firmly, "I don't want to see your marriage fall apart, yes I know what he did was beyond fucked up, but at some point you need to ask yourself if you still want this." She added.

     I looked at her with surprise, and I was speechless yet again. I wasn't sure if I wanted Corey anymore, and I don't know if I wanted this life. Every thing was just as confusing as it was when I was younger.

     "Sorry..." I whispered. The microwave went off filling the silence, I opened the microwave door, I retrieved the plate of mashed potatoes and I set it on the counter.

     "I'm sorry..." She apologized, "I love you both, and it's hard to see such great people fall apart."

     I swallowed a lump in my throat, and looked at her, "And you thought I had the perfect life." I said, "Some life..."


Dear Readers,

     What do you guys think? Tell me what you think is going to happen? Comment and vote!

QOTD: What do you think the gender of the baby will be?

Sincerely, Ana XD

See You Again: Raising River #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now