Chapter 23: The Papers

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     I awoke to someone whispering, "Sh...It's okay..."

     I looked up to Corey pulling me towards his chest, and telling me that it's okay, "What happened?" I asked worriedly.

     Corey looked at me with worry, "You were crying, and screaming in your sleep." He replied.

     I looked down between us, and realized how close we were together. Corey gently wiped my tears away, and looked at me with worried eyes, "You were screaming my name." He told me, "What happened?" He asked curiously.

     I bit my lip, and remembered what my horrible dream was about. I was dreaming about getting into a screaming match with Corey, then River started to cry about us fighting, Corey left and he got hit by a car as he crossed the street. I remember how I regretted fighting with him, I was crying so much and I just remember how vivid the dream was.

     I felt as though I had lost a part of me, and I just remember feeling depressed too. I looked up at Corey, I was breathing heavily from the horrible nightmare and I that moment I wanted to tell Corey how I felt.


     But, Corey cut me off, and quietly shushed me, "Just go back to sleep..." He whispered.

     "Where's Autumn?" I asked worriedly.

     "I put her in her crib when you started to scream and cry." He stated, "Just go back to sleep." He added.

     I woke up the next day, and I didn't see Corey next to me.Last night was the worst nightmare ever and Corey was there to comfort me. I looked over to the other end of the fort, and I saw River still sleeping.

     I looked around to see that the fort had held up pretty good. Layla did a pretty good job. I sat up groggily, I looked around for Corey because I needed to talk to him about the dream, and tell him that I don't want to lose him. I heard someone in the kitchen so I walked over, and entered the kitchen to find him sitting down.

     "Corey, I need to talk to you..." I drifted off.

     Corey looked up from some papers that he was looking at, and his eyes had tears in them, "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. I saw Corey swallow, he looked down at the papers and handed them to me, "What is it...?"

     I took the papers from him, I looked down at them, my heart stopped once I realized what they were and I looked at him in shock, "When were you going to tell me?" Corey asked hurt.


Dear Readers,

     Ooh... That's all I have to say...

QOTD: What do you think the papers are?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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