Chapter 15: He's Such A Beautiful Disaster

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      It read: Positive.

     Positive it can't be? Shit...

     "What're you going to do?" Layla asked with concern, and gently rubbed my shoulder.

     I was speechless, I walked out of the bathroom, and one look at River I broke down. How can I bring another child into this world? I don't want this baby to go through the same pain as River, "Maybe it wrong..." I suggested, "Maybe it was a false positive," I explained, and looked at Layla for confirmation that I could be right.

     Layla twisted her lips in hesitation, and looked at me sympathetically, "That test is 99.9% accurate, Summer." She replied honestly.

     I couldn't breathe and I felt hot tears fall down my face, "No, no, no..." I whimpered.

     "What're you going to tell, Corey?"

     I shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know..." I answered, "The truth...." I croaked out.

     Layla tilted her head to the side, and looked at me with sympathy, "Do you think it'll change anything?"

     I looked up at her, and looked back down at my hands, "You know what gets me?"

     "What?" Layla asked with furrowed brows.

     "That he couldn't even think of River before he did the things he's done." I replied, "It sucks..."

     Layla sighed, "I know..."


     "Tell me what happens. Okay?" Layla said, and gave me a small smile.

     "Of course." I smiled back at her, and waved as she walked away.

     I walked into my room, I sat on my bed and I felt my hand on something. I looked at Corey's pants, which are strewn across out bed, and I go over and pick them up. He's always leaving his pants around; if it's not the floor then it's the bed. I felt something in the pocket of his pants, and pulled whatever it was out. I end up pulling out a small baggie filled with some sort of powdery substance.

     I inspect the little baggie, and I was confused as to what it was. My heart stopped instantly, when I figured out what it was, I felt nauseous and I felt like were tears starting to form. I hear the door crack open and see River walk over to me, "Mommy?"

     I quickly hide the baggie, and River walks over to me, "Yes, baby?" I ask while I try to suppress my tears.

     "What's wrong, mommy?" River asks when he looks up at me.

     I wipe the few tears that had escaped my eyes, "Nothing, baby?" I assure him. I quickly take the baggie from behind my back, and hide it in the night table beside our bed. I pick up River, and cradle him on my hip, "What do you want, sweetheart?"

     River takes his little index finger, and puts it to his chin while thinking about the answer, "Can I have cake, mommy?" he ask with pure innocence.

     "Sure," I chuckled, and put him down, "Why don't you go, and play while I get it for you."

     River smiles, and runs out to the living room to play with his toys. He looks just like Corey. I can't look at River without seeing Corey. They have the same hair, smile and eyes.

     Hopefully this baby will change things.

     I try to compose myself before going out to the living, but, before I leave the phone rings and I answer it, "Hello?"

See You Again: Raising River #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now