Chapter 24: I'm At A Loss

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     I looked down at him, and I felt the tears welling in my eyes, "Where did you find these?" I croaked out.

     Corey looked back up at me, I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes, "Maybe, you should have hid these better." He said hurt. Corey ran his hands through his hair, and sighed, "Summer, I love you..., and I know I fucked up..." He added.

     I bent down next to him and I grabbed his hand, "Corey, I never meant for you to find these I..." I didn't know how to finish the sentence.

     Corey got up from the chair, leaving me still kneeling, I ran my hands through my hair and got up to follow Corey to the living room, "I'm at a loss..." Corey said as he turned around and faced me with a hint of anger, "A divorce? Can't we work this out...?" he added desperately.

     I looked at Corey and I just let it all out, "Corey, you hurt me bad, I was at a lost and didn't know what to do!" I said firmly, "And yes divorce was appealing to me at the time. Jesus, Corey, I was pregnant and I was hurting...I was hurting..."

     "I'm hurting too..." Corey replied, "I honestly thought I lost you, and everything that we had built together."

     "Well, did you ever think about that before you fucked over this family?" I said hurtfully.

     "Damn it! Summer, of course I did, but, I was fucked up in the head and I head people telling me I should do this and that." He shot back angrily, "But, I never stopped living you, or River and I'll never stop loving Autumn."

     I walked towards Corey, and shoved him back, "I never stopped loving you even though you were out fucking someone else, and you deliberately lied to my face." I countered, "What did you want me to do?"

     "Talk to me..."

     I looked back at him in anger, "I fucking tried to!" I hissed in anger, "You accused me of being a liar." I added honestly.

     Corey stopped and just looked at me, "I never meant for this turn to into what it is..."

     "You're not the only one." I agreed, "You were the one person I never thought would hurt me, and I guess I was wrong." I added in tears.

     Corey looked up at me and he had a tear rolling down his face, "I never thought I would either, and I'm sorry..."

     I shook my head and I looked at him with teary eyes, "Damn it, Corey." I shouted as I turned around and hit the wall behind me. I rested my arms there for a second and turned back around, "I had a nightmare last night that we were fighting, and I had lost you forever." I croaked out. Corey looked up at me with surprise, "You died and I thought I had lost you forever...."

     Corey looked at me with red-rimmed eyes, "What does that mean...?" He asked firmly.

     I took a deep breath, and pushed him back until he was against the wall, "It means I don't want to lose you..." I replied. Corey looked at me with furrowed brows, "I never went through with the divorce papers...because I don't..." I drifted off.

     Corey searched my eyes for the answer, and asked, "You don't what...?"

     I looked into his eyes, and tears started fall from mine, "I don't want to lose you..." I replied. I grabbed his shirt roughly, I buried my face into his chest and started to sob, "I love you..."

     I looked up at him, and said, "Most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you..." I cried.

     I could hear Corey's shallow breathing, he lifted my chin so I could look at him and he looked back at me with furrowed brows, "I'm not who I was and I'll never be that person again..."

     I shook my head at him, "I'm afraid..." I croaked out.

     "Don't be afraid to start over. It's a new chance to build something better this time." He stated gently, "I was blind. I didn't see the good I had already..." He added.

     "You were the one who walked away."

     Corey grabbed my face and held it, "Damn it, Summer, I love you." He said firmly, "You're the only one I'll love besides those two beautiful kids."

     I was speechless, I didn't say anything and Corey walked away, "Cor-"

     I was interrupted by Corey turning around, and crashing his lips into mine. He fiercely kissed me and I kissed back with the same passion, "I've missed your kissed so much..."

    I gave him a small smile, "I'm just afraid of getting hurt again..."

     "Never again..." He whispered back.

     I looked up at him and my heart was beating fast, "Then show me.." I replied with a whisper.

     Corey bent down and kissed me passionately, "Yay!" I heard River cheer. I looked over to the fort, I saw River standing up and giddily clapping at us, "You guys wuv each other again!" He added.

     I giggled and I glanced at Corey, "We never stopped, bud." I said to River.

     "Does that mean he get to sleep in your woom again? River asked innocently, and me and Corey couldn't help but to laugh at this.

     "I love you..." Corey whispered.

     I looked in to his eyes and I saw sincerity, "I love you too..." I whispered back.


     "Just kiss me." I smiled.

     Corey bent down and kissed me gently on the lips. I felt his hands move up and down my sides and I felt his tongue exploring my mouth.

     I've missed this...


Dear Readers,

     I think this may be the last chapter, if so then I'm going to write an epilogue for it. I didn't know where else to go with this story, I didn't want to drag on the fight forever because they really do love each other, and I want to focus on writing "Take Me To Church".

QOTD: Were you guys satisfied with this kind of ending, and what di you think of the chapter?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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