Chapter 12: Summer...?

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     "Summer...?" I heard someone call my name, "Hello...Earth to Summer..." I heard again, and my thoughts were interrupted.

     I looked up at Judy, and she had River sitting on her lap playing with his toy, "Huh?" I said kind of out of it, I looked around and remembered we were in a coffee shop.

     Judy furrowed her brows, and gave me a concerned look, "Hun, are you okay?" she asked, "Have you been sleeping?"

     "No, I'm, uh fine..." I lied.

     Judy covered River's ears, and narrowed her eyes at me, "Yea, and I'm the fucking president," she leaned over to whisper to me, and uncovered River's ears, "Now, tell me what's really going on..." she added giving me a look.

     I shrugged, and bit my lip, "Me and Corey had a fight..." I replied, and looked up at her with pain in my eyes.

     She reached her hand over, and took mine in hers, "Oh, Hun, I'm sorry," she apologized, "What happened?"

     I rubbed my eyes, and shook my head, "I don't know. Someone told me that Corey was out with some girl at a club, and that she was getting a little too close to him," I explained, "I hate to say it, but I believe it, I told Corey and he freaked out on me..." I added.

     Judy gave me a sympathetic look, "Oh. Didn't anything else happen?"

     "He thought I was accusing him of cheating, and doing drugs. I didn't, however, it was kind of hard not to imply it," I said, "He looked and acted kind of different, Judy... I don't know what to do anymore. I mean I can't even go to work anymore, not until I can find someone to babysit River, and then I'll be able to go back." I ranted.

     Judy sighed, and looked at me with understanding, "Maybe, he's just under a lot of stress, and maybe he feels really bad about the way he exploded," she explained, "You guys just need to talk. You can surprise him, by showing up at the set, or I don't know having a night to yourselves."

     "That's the thing he's always working, and he's tired when he comes home."

     "Gwandma?" River said while looking up at Judy.

     Judy looked down at River, and smiled at him, "Yes, baby?"

     "Can I have a cookie?" he said as he pointed to the cookies next to the cash register.

     "Sure, handsome." Judy chuckled at his request.

     I gestured for Judy to sit down, "I'll get it." I walked up to the counter, and ordered a chocolate chip cookie. They handed me the cookie, and I handed them the cash. I took the cookie back to the table, and handed it to River and I sat down in my seat.

     River giggled, and clapped his hands, "Cookie!" He exclaimed, he put he toy down on the table, and started to nibble on the cookie. Me and Judy both laughed at this, "Thank you, mommy," he smiled with chocolate on his face.

     "You're welcome, Riv." I smiled.

     "Has Corey been spending time with, River?" Judy asked me.

     "I miss, daddy..." River said before I could even respond. I immediately looked at Judy, and she looked back at me stunned. River was completely oblivious to the effect that his response had on us.

     "You guys need to talk..." Judy said still stunned.

     I held back tears that threatened to release, "Yea..." I croaked out.


Dear Readers,

     Sorry, that it's short! What do you guys think? Comment and vote! It's kind of heartbreaking that River misses Corey. :(

QOTD: What do you think of what River said?

Sincerely, Ana XD

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