Chapter 72

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!!!!!!!!!!Author's Note!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone! Happy Friday (I'm only two hours late)! I hope everyone had a good week! Mine was boring, stressful, and frustrating so I'm looking forward to not doing a whole lot this weekend. I'm still fighting this nasty skin infection under my breasts (fyi I have DDs and they suck) that I've had for five weeks now. It's debilitatingly painful, its uncomfortable, and nothing seems to be working well. None of the creams helped either. I've been on antibiotics for a month and was just given another 2 weeks. I've also seen a dermatologist that thinks it is an extremely rare condition that usually occurs with people with autoimmune conditions even thought I don't have any autoimmune conditions. For it to happen to someone without an autoimmune condition is even more rare. He has me on steroids as an experiment to see if they make it better. If they do, then it's probably what he's thinking. Meanwhile, I take the courses of antibiotics, it gets better, and then I finish it and then it gets worse again. To say this has been incredibly stressful and frustrating is an understatement. In the meantime, I can't do anything other than sit around and go to the store. I can't sweat, so I can't exercise and it's driving me insane! I'm not someone that likes to do nothing for long periods of time, so this has been very hard on me. The fact that it's gone on so long makes it even worse. Progress is very slow if anything. So...that's been my life for the past month. I'm sorry to vent, but these past few weeks have been awful. On the plus side, I'm getting a lot of writing done, so that is good!

This week, we see Gabe and Brad still punishing Jesus in all kinds of gruesome ways and Andy gives Spencer a heads up that there are survivors from the retaliation attack and to expect upwards of one hundred patients coming in. Andy says he will get some doctors from the hospital there as soon as possible, but that it would be a long time, so Spencer asks if Patrick can help until they get there and Andy agrees. Then Spencer has to figure out how to manipulate Patrick into doing it.

We are still dealing with some pretty graphic torture scenes that will continue for at least the next two chapters. This chapter also discusses some religious subjects. If any of these things trigger you, you might want to skip them. Stay safe everyone!

As always, enjoy, tell your friends and if you like it, feel free to leave me kudos or a message. If you'd like to talk to me about the story or just in general, you can find me on tumblr @dancecoaster.

Chapter 72

*******Trigger Warning for Religious Subject, Graphic Violence, Torture, and Rape*******

Jesus' lifeless, dead body was lying on the floor in front of Gabe and Brad. They'd already brutally murdered and brought him back twenty times now. Gabe had suggested that they kill him in various different ways each time, which had only added to their excitement. One time they stabbed him to death. Another, they choked him until he stopped breathing. The next time, they'd beaten him to death. Gabe and Brad had also electrocuted him, burned him, amputated his hands and feet, and for the finale, they'd castrated him. That last one was particularly entertaining. Each time he died, Gabe healed and reattached the parts to where they were supposed to go before Brad brought him back. That way, Jesus had been whole to start the next round.

"This has been so much fun, boss! What should we do now?" Brad asks.

"I agree, I've thoroughly enjoyed this as well! Since he is currently dead, I'd say the next thing you need to do is to bring him back so that we can continue. I think we should move onto his next stage of torture. Now he will truly experience what Sugar did." Gabe suggests.

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