Book 1;

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I was very excited on my first day of elementary school. I had never had many friends and so I wanted to find some. Unfortunately, the following years turned out to be almost the worst of my life.

I strapped on my new school bag and admired myself in the mirror. I had been waiting for this moment for years. Now he had finally come! My father patted me on the shoulder with his hand. "You can do it!!," he encouraged me and gave me a vodka bottle as a break drink. Together we walked to the entrance to the school. There were a lot of children and parents milling around here. I recognized the Roman Empire with his son Axis Italy. ( I will only write A. Italy from now on) I waved at him, but to my horror he turned away and ignored me. That made me very sad. But I told myself it was probably just because he was exactly like that excited like me. "Come Soviet! We stand with Prussia and G.E (German Empire)" I nodded to my father. "Okay father"

So we stood next to the German family. I had seen G.E's child before... I thought his name was Reich. My father told me he was the same age as me. He was just a little narrower than me. Otherwise we were the same size. I smiled at him. Reich, however, stuck his tongue out at me.

As we walked into the school building without the parents, something happened that remains etched in my memory to this day.

I ran into our classroom with my school bag and sat down at a table. The room continued to feel full of students. I was really excited and asked myself who would sit next to me. But no one did that. Instead, Empire A. Italy and Japanese Empire appeared in front of my table. "Rich! Look at this loser," she laughed and took my vodka bottle away from me. I wanted to get her back, but the Italian pushed me back onto the chair and held her tight. "You're not going anywhere," he hissed in my ear. My eyes filled with tears. Reich stood right in front of me and ripped my fur hat off my head. "You don't need an old rag like that. I'd rather use this one." With those words he put the trash can over my head. I fell off the chair and landed unceremoniously on the floor. I cried bitterly while Reich, A. Italy and Japanese beat on me.

I thought I was going to die. Then someone removed the trash can. My rescuer had three colored hair, one red, one blue and white in the middle. Behind her was a boy in a top hat who I had noticed in front of the school building. He scared away Reich and his cronies and then came towards us. "Are you fine?" he asked worriedly. I nodded and sat up again with the girl's help. "I'm France and this" She pointed to the top hat boy. "This is UK. And what's your name?" I started sobbing. "My name is Soviet." The two took me by the hand. "So we're friends now and we stick together," Uk announced solemnly. The little Frenchwoman nodded eagerly. "We are the allies!" she shouted and we hugged each other...

hello there!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! ✨

And I hope you had fun reading it!

Feel free to write me something in the commis, OK? Thanks

Greetings Oxford 🎇

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