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Slowly, I walked up the street with my hands in my pockets. There, I was fulfilling the invitation card for Oxfordwsabby's (short for Oxfords) New Year's Eve party. I was really looking forward to the celebrations with the Countryhumans and Oxford. The author had given me the cards 2 weeks ago. The German said that I truly deserved it. That made me proud.

I was most excited about meeting three people. Oxford, Reich, and Soviet.

As I stood outside the door, a little bit of uncertainty came over me. I stared down at my suit/dress. Did I look pretty enough?

Hesitantly, I reached for the doorbell, but suddenly the door flew open and I found myself in the arms of Russian Empire. Immediately, my face turned red. "H...he...hello..." I stuttered, trying to cover my face with my hands. "My goodness, R.E! Please let go of our guest!" I turned around to see who had spoken. A girl stood there in the doorway, smiling sweetly at me. She was wearing a strange robe with blue embroideries. The girl seemed to notice my staring. "That's a Holstein costume. That's how people dress in northern Germany. By the way, my name is Oxfordwsabby," she said kindly. I smiled shyly. "I'm sorry." Oxford placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's alright, my friend." The German raised her hands in a calming manner.

Then she took my hands and pulled me into the living room. Suddenly, confetti flew through the air. All the Countryhumans clapped happily, and tears of emotion ran down my cheeks.

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