Book 7;

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 My head hurt and I couldn't feel my feet. Drank too damn much! This had never happened to me this week. I quickly hopped out of bed and grabbed my watch. Oh shit! 8:45! I put on brown work pants. In the hallway I met Russia, who looked at me sleepily. "Where are you going, Dad?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. I smiled at him. "to work Russia." The boy nodded briefly. "Then see you soon father" "Yes see you soon Russia"I quickly arrived in the high-rise district by tram. I entered the property and again prepared myself for a near-death experience. But this didn't happen.

 No dogs in sight. Very good!East let me in. "HELLOOOOOO! MR. SOVIET," he shouted happily and hugged me. I smiled. "Hello little man." He took my hand and pulled me through the house. It was even more ostentatious than I had imagined. Gold and expensive glass everywhere. We went further onto the terrace of the house.Reich was sitting in a beach chair reading a newspaper and looked up when he saw me. "Hello Soviet! Glad you were able to set it up." I nodded. "Of course" The German smiled. He went back to reading. The work could begin!

 First I mowed the lawn. A demanding task as the garden was the size of two football fields. Luckily, Reich owned a lawnmower tractor. So I circled around the lawn for almost 3 hours, which must have looked pretty intelligent given my height, the small lawn mower and my hat.

 East stuck to me and talked all over me. Just nod at regular intervals...Second task was burning weeds from a half mile driveway with a flamethrower. That might have been fun! A little fire here and a little there. That was wonderfully funny. 

 Third and final task for today.Sweep the terrace. Said and done!!Only this dirt came off so badly that I spent almost 2 hours on it. But I was able to cope with that too.

 I went into Reich's study to report that I wanted to go home. My boss sat in the big armchair and grinned at me. An uneasy feeling came over me. But I didn't let anything show. "I would go now." The German nodded. "You can do that straight away, but first have a drink with me." I had no objection to that. I fell noisily onto a leather sofa. "What do you want to drink?" I thought for a moment. "Do you have vodka?" Reich nodded. "Yes, but only Germans" "It's not bad" Reich poured the drink and carried the drinks over to me and sat down next to me."Here you go" He handed me a glass. I thanked him and took a sip. "It tastes good" My boss smiled. We finished the glass but unfortunately it didn't stop at one...

 My head hurt! I opened one eye and was startled. I was still sitting on the leather sofa, but Reich was on my lap. Wearing only a shirt and boxers. I panicked. My employer wore lipstick. What the hell had happened?! Completely panicked, I put the German back on and left the house as quickly as possible.

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