Book 9;

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(It continues in the dream!)

The wall the young Russian was leaning against was cold and brittle. Every now and then the faucet dripped. Soviet looked sadly at his hands. Why should he put it back up? Uk was sick and France was talking to her friends at the other end of the school.Being alone is normal anyway.

3 hours passed while he sat down there.

Until Soviet decided to go up. He slowly left the basement room. The stairs creaked under his footsteps.

"Hello communist pig" The Russian spun around. Reich and his entourage stood on the last 2 steps of the stairs. "Yes, Rich! The little pig is really here." The Japanese woman laughed derogatorily. The Russian rolled his eyes. "Why?" he grumbled, trying to weave past his bullies. Reich grinned, showing off his shark teeth. "Well, you don't want to leave us so quickly, do you?" A. Italy stood in front of him. "Huh," said the Italian.

The German threw a razor blade at Soviet's feet. "Here you freak!" Japanese added. "That suits you piggy! Get cut!" The Russian took the blade in his hand. "If I do that, will you leave me alone?" Reich nodded. "Word of honor" So Soviet applied the blade. It stung a little as the knife pierced his skin. But it also had a feeling of freedom. The blood dripped onto the floor. The Axis looked like they never expected their victim to actually cut themselves.

(❗🩸Guys! Cracking is a shit idea. I did it and I can say: It only leaves scars/More frustration and doesn't help with the solution, so slap your hands away!!🩸❗)

dream end;

 My head hurt terribly, as if a brass band had stomped through there. Really bad. I pushed myself up into a sitting position. It made me suspicious because I didn't know the room I was in. "Russia? Belarus?" I panicked. Where were my children? I stood up very quickly and rushed to the door. This didn't open straight away. That's why I tugged at it. After a little more effort, the door opened. Behind her lay a white-painted hallway.

I stumbled out into the hallway. I frantically looked in all directions. When suddenly the light flickered. Where until now there had only been white corridors, two red eyes now glow. They stared at me. And came closer. Another power outage. Now I stood in the dark only in the company of two red eyes that were getting closer and closer. I took a step back and another. But the eyes kept getting worse. A pulse of energy and the lights came back on. The eyes turned out to be.....East?! "HELLO MR SOVIET! GOOD THAT YOU'RE HERE!!!" The little German screamer grinned crookedly at me. Now my confusion was complete confusion. What the hell was he doing here? Wherever we were, I was sure it wasn't for children.

"So big one. Where are we here?" I asked kindly. He thought for a moment. "IN FATHER'S OWN HOSPITAL WARD!" East turned around and took my hand...

Hey! ✨

 Well, am I mean? 🥺

 What will happen next?

 Btw I was sick so srry nothing came ☺

 Greetings Oxford 🤍

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